
Why would the hospital keep my baby from me for a long period of time after birth?

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After I had my baby, they kept my her away from me for a long period of time and kept telling me that they were running more tests. Does that mean they thought something could have been wrong with my child. After awhile they said my baby was healthy and in the nursery. Do you think that the hospital could find something wrong with my newborn baby and not tell me?




  1.     you know what i would do i would keep asking them what was  wrong with my baby and i would get the police on them

  2. They might not have been sure on what the tests were telling them and wanted to make a second test to confirm the results. It is strange though that they kept your baby away without a reason why. I would call the hospital and ask for your delivery records and the babys medical records from that time. usualy they let you know and unless it was a mean nurse i would double check for piece of mind that nothing is wrong.  

  3. No if they found something wrong they would tell you. but i would ask next time you take your child in for a check up. ask the doc what test they ran and why. the nurses didn't do a very good job explaining what and why they were doing the test. they keeps my daughter for a while too after she was born. but she had a hard time to regulate her body temp. always remember you ave every right to ask as many questions as you want when it comes to your kids. i always make a list of questions i have before i take my daughter in for a check up. but i'm also a first time mom and my daughter is only 11 months. but ask ask ask. good luck sweetie.


    its your child and it's important that you find out. ask and ask again, voice your opinion strongly if need be, they can't ignore that.

  5. I had this same thing happen, at least the part about my baby being kept from me for a long time.  I felt like it was a very long time but my husband told me later it wasn't really very long.  In retrospect I think it's entirely possible that my perception of time was off because I CRAVED holding that baby and a minute seemed like an eternity without him.  Things can change so rapidly with a newborn that they were probably just being careful. For example, my son's Apgar score wasn't so great...there was meconium present so they had to carefully aspirate him so he wouldn't inhale it when he was born, and it was a forceps delivery.  First they took him to a table in the same room as me to suck out his nostrils, clamp the cord, etc.  Then they let me hold him for what seemed like a very brief moment before whisking him away for tests, measurements, etc. but like yours he was fine and healthy and is now 20 yrs old and smart and healthy and charming and normal!

    You didn't say how long ago you had your baby, but if it's been fairly recently, like within several weeks, and this continues to bother you, I would ask on your next visit to have someone show/tell/describe to you what happened with your baby and what took so long.  Perhaps the hospital bill would be a place to will show you what procedures you were billed for and that should help reveal to you what they did.  Good luck.

    P.S. I really doubt if they would withhold information about your baby's health from you.  Keep in mind when you've just had your baby you are in a very precarious emotional state.  Your body has just had some major hormonal changes and it can change the way you experience things emotionally.

  6. They could have just been skeptical and wanted to run more tests, but if there was something wrong they wouldn't have told you that she/he was perfectly healthy.  They would have brought the problem to your attention.

  7. They were probably just making sure your baby was ok,but if it really concerns you, you should ask them any quetions that you may have.

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