
Why would the moon make a good site for an observatory?

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  1. no atmosphere?

  2. no atmosphere. There fore we can see way farther and we don't need satellites to stay up there, it wiould be simpler, kind of.

  3. The lack of an atmosphere means that clearer pictures could be taken, and that light pollution would never be a problem. The lower gravity means that much larger telescopes could be constructed. The far side would be good for radio telescopes, as the moon would shield them from earthly radio sources.

  4. very little atmosphere to get in the way of the optics.

    you might be able to do something like make a huge spinning liquid mirror more easily on the moon due the low gravity.  if the materials you need to make the mirror are present on the moon, you are golden!

  5. They aren't going to put an optical mirror there like hubble to the best of my knowledge as hubble doesn't have to deal with an atmosphere already. I believe they are going to be putting a radio telescope like the Very Large Array in New Mexico. On the dark side of the moon there will be very little interference from human civilization making all data clearer.

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