
Why would there be life after death?

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Why would there be life after death?




  1. because its time to proof to all non God believers that they are wrong and for those who think that they don't have to be accountable for all the bad deeds  or wrong doing while they live....I mean why its not possible we all have seen a desert with no living thing on it as dry as can be and come the rain an greens start sprouting and grow to become a tree and bear that too difficult for God to do...if only one can see at what they are looking and think of who might create it and for what reason.....religiously or not

  2. kinda defeats the purpose really.

  3. Why would there be life at all?  It just is.  Where you will go has a lot to do with where you come from and where you are now.  Chances are, that your ability to think and feel won't disappear, because it would have no reason to and nowhere to disappear to.  You will continue on because your physical body is only a small fragment of what makes you who you are.

  4. This q seems to me as though you are asking "if the glass is half empty" or "half full"...

    My answer is..."why would there not?"

  5. Read the holy bible and you will read why. The reality is that there is heaven and h**l after death. The reason we are alive is because of Jesus Christ.

    Ge 2:7 the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

    Job 33:4 The Spirit of God has made me; the breath of the Almighty gives me life.

    If you really want to know, watch these videos here about creation and you will see why. Warning: They are awesome.

  6. because  God loves and values us so much and He wants us to spend eternity with Him

  7. Death is an illusion. The sum of matter in the universe is constant, but in a permenant state of change. Complex organisms like human beings are actually whole communities of life. The universe is a little like a Matrioshka: doll within doll, form within form. We think of life as beginning when it comes into our perception range, so for some it begins with the end of gestation, for others at the moment of fertilisation and for others the sperm and ovum are the "marriage" of two lives that make a new life. Others still will appreciate that the sperm and ovum themselves were forms of life that developed from the merging of other living cell matter.

    To the embryo, the confinement of the womb offers comfort and nutrient and is the source of life without which life could not exist; then the trauma of birth occurs and drags them inexplicably to an new level that is beyond all they had come to know. Any wonder we are born kicking and screaming? Then we realise there is a whole new world to discover and focus on here and forget our previous reality.

    The organism that houses our consciousness grows, matures and in time begins to close down ready for the next phase, which we call death but which some have realised is the door to new life. While we identify as the organism, we forget that we are the life that animates the organism. Once we realise our true identity as portion of source seperate yet ever commected to all, death holds no stings and we can enjoy the journey.

    Good Wishes.

  8. why wouldn't there be?

  9. " So you could be free of course "

  10. Because No One Ever Really Dies.

    When were are humans, we have energy. When you die, that energy will go somewhere. Up or down or just floating around, it will go somehwere.  

  11. So we can re-spawn.

  12. There wont, the whole idea of life after death seems impossible. Just live your life to the fullest.

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