
Why would these parents do this?

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That is a funeral. For a baby. Whose parents were two Juggalos. There are Hatchetmen on the baby's coffin. Why would they put those on there? I see people dress their babies up in band t-shirts and stuff all the time but isn't this taking it a little too far? Isn't it kind of disrespectful? It's not like the baby likes ICP why should he have to have that c**p on his coffin?




  1. People on this earth today are of the most ignorant fools of all.

  2. Because emos fail.

  3. to each his own I guess, people are very weird these days....

  4. They are human trash.

  5. yea that's a little weird.  but hey people are weird.

  6. It looks like the baby was loved.Judge not lest thee be judged.

  7. Everybody is different girl, and everybody therefore has different opinions. Maybe they dressed their babies in that stuff all the time, maybe it's how they would have grown up, at least in their parent's eyes.

    I could envision if I died, my dad putting footballs (soccer balls) somewhere in the ceremony as he loves the sport and believed I d grow to love it as much, which I do.  

  8. Call me mean, nasty, foul, filthy and reprobate, but the baby might be better off.

  9. As they say, funerals are for the living. That's what that grieving couple wanted. It's not like the deceased knows the difference.

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