
Why would these women be so cheap as to offer themselves up for such a competition?

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  1. Beggars belief doesnt it?  I hate being tarred with the 'oh theyre british' tag whenever we go abroad.  They give the majority of people a bad name with their antics.  Look at the woman in Dubai - I mean WTH?

  2. Same reason as the men who took part - s*x, fuelled by alcohol...

  3. they are all pros and disgusting!!

    its the only way they can get it other wise no one would even be  going with them.

  4. for fun?

  5. Money. Everything has a price.

  6. one more reason to be thoroughly ashamed to be british on holiday, i find nearly every time we go away we have to apologise for the behaviour of our fellow brits. stoopid tarts, they deserve all they get ! x

  7. news and magazine-

  8. Can I just state here and now I was in Cyprus.Wasn't me gov.

    Don't think much of themselves do they?Haven't they heard of sexually transmitted diseases?

    I might add that the men weren't exactly paragons of virtue either.

    Oh look it's the thumbs down fairy again.

  9. Don't get me wrong - there are some people who have really low self esteem and think that s*x is the only way to get attention, so they'll do stupid, demeaning things as a way of fueling that low self esteem all the more!

    However with this article it is really short and not necessarily wholly accurate.  I am not suggesting it is made up, but there is no balance to the story e.g. the women's points of view or even an opinion from anyone at the 'event'  So whilst it easy to point the finger I think that you should know all the facts before (perhaps) unfairly judging someone.

  10. Disgusting. it just highlights how little some people value themselves in this day and age.

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