
Why would those guys risk their reputations over BIGFOOT HOAX?

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1. Is Bigfoot a Hoax or Real?

2. If you answer Hoax, then why would they risk everything?




  1. they did it because they knew Americans would buy into  it and they could make money...the sad part is they are ruining any credible sightings that may arise...Look at the chupacabra...a lot of people doubted it until the recent sheriff dashcam video from Cuero TX!!  I wish the fakes would step aside and let us real researchers do the work!!

  2. You know I have asked that question many times myself and I'm not really sure if I can come up with a straight answer myself. I can say with all honesty that If BigFoot is real he has enough sense to stay far away from Humans that's for dam* sure.

    But if this is a hoax, the only reason I can think of that people would put their reps on the line is for fame and fortune, to many that means more than mere reputation.

    The pull of these 2  can be a very a very big temptation to most.

  3. because there ARE things out there that are supernatural and exsist on a differnt plane than ours. if i had proof ...then i would risk it too.

    but i would wait on the DNA testing on the Bigfoot before saying for sure. maybe its a new species of bear of

  4. Hoax.  They think they're clever enough to pull it off.


  6. i agree with you

    even though they might get a lot of money

    and increase their rep for now

    it will go down if it was fake

    so i think its real

  7. i would not pass judgment on anything until it is proven true or false. i could not decide either way. bigfoot is seen a lot but it could be a hoax. so my thoughts are, people should wait until someone brings a bigfoot in alive.

  8. It is a hoax.  Those guys have no reputation to risk.  They were nothing.  If there hoax is discovered, they'll go back to being nothing.  They don't lose anything.  

    In fact, they'll probably write a book saying the government covered up the truth because of a secret bigfoot super soldier program.  A million people will buy it, and they'll be rich no matter what.

  9. If it's a hoax, i don;'t think they're ready to admit anytime soon

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