
Why would we have the same dream?

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Alright....... last night I dreamed about tornadoes, I mean all night long. They were all different dreams but each one was about a tornado and it felt like all of the dreams had happened before,like in real life. Anyways, I woke up this morning and my husband and I was sitting on the porch and he said he had the weirdest dreams last night. I asked him what he dreamed about and he said tornados. I'm a little freaked out. Is it normal for a husband and wife to dream the same things on the same night?




  1. You most likely saw a similar or the same event the night before.

    It could be anything from a television show to a song that could have triggered such a thing. By the way, you don't have to see something to have a dream about it. You could have both been watching the news and listening about a storm that triggered a memory or thought.

    It is odd that you would both think of tornadoes but it may simply be s symbol in both of your minds that even through a tough situation (i,e. storm, fight, etc.) you will still protect each other.

  2. ummm.......thats weired!

    u should go talk 2 somebody like whos psychic or whatever.

    they will tell  u what it means!

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