
Why would/wouldnt you like to take a journey to Iraq?

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Thanks to everyone helpin me with these questions Ive previously posted for my college homework :)

Would be usefull to see other people opinions and If they actually would journey there!




  1. Wouldn't go right now it is full of armed dangerous americans

  2. I really would not - even if there wasn't a war there!  I mean, I can't think of many things to do... its all just dust isn't it?

  3. I would go to Iraq to visit the (restored) ancient city of Babylon. This is probably the best thing Saddam did for Iraq. Also some ancient colouseums are nearby too. And of course loveable young street merchants peddeling there goods are always a good time too!! I also would like to visit the Bagdhad Museum (don't know if it still exists).

    My husband was on a business trip in Baghdad 5 years ago. For eight months. I wanted to join him, but he did not allow me to. He was to scared that something would happen and the medical care provided in Iraq would not meet our standards.

    As of this post however for security reasons I won't go, Might have to wait a while until things calm down. Lets hope they do soon. My heart goes out for all the innocent people getting killed and hurt by the mess the Americans and their Allies caused (no offense to you personally please). Desert storm just ended to early. The Americans and their Allies should have eliminated Saddam during Desert storm. Bush sen. should have listen to Colin Powell but he did not.  

    Take care and thanks for asking. Salam.

  4. well going there puts your self at risk due to the war second there really is not much to do or see there.

  5. I wouldn't like to go there due to the fact that I'm allergic to bombs and bullets

  6. I wouldn't because I want to keep on living;-]

  7. Against my religion - I'm a devout coward!

  8. Because you probably wouldn't return

  9. Yes I would love to travel there as soon as it is safe. At the moment you would probably get kidnapped and ramsoned for money as they really don't have any. There are things to see and do in Iraq and there are some really beautiful parts that are green and full of culture. People have only seen what is shown on the news with the bombs and death etc. This is how it is because of us and the Americans.

    As soon as it is safe it is back on my list of countries to visit. Do some research and find out what there is to see in Iraq you will be surprised.


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