
Why would you answer a question that asks for people’s opinions on one view point when yours is different?

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I have seen this in question after question... the most recent one was asking parents of unvaccinated children a question. Parents of vaccinated children had to answer their view points. This is just one example, it happens with almost ever question that asks a specific group of people to answer.

Have you ever thought that you are just making it harder for the person asking the question to get the information they wanted out of the question?

The person asking the question either already thinks like you do and wants the opposite opinion or they want a biased view point. So why answer the question? Is it for the two points? Or is it to create controversy on the answer thread?




  1. Well, I really think that when a person sees a question being asked about a topic that they have a strong opinion on, they want to give their 2 cents.  It's human nature.  For example, with the vaccination question, there is so much info out there for or against, and that's a very heated topic among parents so that's not a surprise at all.  And some of the pro-vac people may have wanted to share some important info supporting their belief hoping to pursuade the asker.  When I feel strongly about something, sometimes I have the urge to share my opinion even when it wasn't asked for, and I think we all do that sometimes.  But you are right, it can be hard for the asker to find what they're looking for, and some people can also be rude.  Some just love controversy.

  2. i answer questions sometimes that are not for me, for example, sometimes if people are asking for male answers only, i answer with my perspective and vast (compared to most ya users) experience with males.  unfortunately the questioner cannot really control who answers and anyone interested in the subject can.  the reason is that the answerer is very interested in the subject and feels they have something to contribute.  often we feel that we are educators, or that there is a logical fallacy in the question itself.  i figure if the person who asked doesn't want to pay attention to my answer, they don't have to 'listen'.

  3. Because when people ask a controversial question... others just can't help answering... I think.

  4. I have to admit, I'm guilty of this, haha. Usually when I see 11 year olds asking about s*x, I'll tell them that they shouldn't be having s*x at such a young age. I'm sorry, but I can't condone babies having s*x, you know? So sometimes, I will take a stand against someone's views and make a comment.

    I think people need to expect this when asking a question - you're going to get answers that you agree with or don't disagree with. I think it's good to hear different view points though. We shouldn't live in bubbles surrounded only by people with the same views. There would be no chance for growth :)

  5. yeah your right.. its totally harder to read extra opinions when your asking for them right? yahoo answers is all about opinions.. obviously you knew that when you posted this question.. aren't you trying to start controversy?

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