
Why would you avoid aspartame but be okay with splenda?

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This is what I don't understand about "Airforce Nutri-Soda". Here I thought I found a drink that was free of aritificial sweeteners as it proudly states zero aspartame. Aspartame is about 200x sweeter than sugar and splenda is about 600x sweeter. I don't get it. It offers vitamin B12 which was why I was considering it but now that I see it contains splenda (noted as sucralose on the can) I won't be buying it. It's just mind boggling to me why they would do this, it doesn't make any sense. Your opinions?

For those interested, I have a page on my website that addresses concerns regarding artificial sweeteners. Go to:




  1. Probably because, as you said, Splenda consists of ONLY sugar and sucralose (as on the label) - NOT all the chemical additives.  Asparatame has been proven to have links to cancer, and also has a dreadful aftertaste ......  I think you answered your own question, when you said that Splenda doesn't have asparatame......

  2. i avoid all that artificial sweetener c**p.

    i always hear it can cause cancer... or cause that or blah blah... and i don't what to believe. besides I'm pregnant and i know i can't have it anyways.

    real sugar is better anyways. =D

  3. eeh just stay away from that.  that is cruel to trick people into thinking they're getting the best choice of product when it still has it in it.

    artificial sweeteners aren't good for you anyway

  4. I buy no artificial stuff.  And I'm not sure what some people are thinking these days.

  5. The fact of the matter is, is that the FDA and companies that "monitor" our foods simply do not care about each and every one of us. If they did, do you honestly think we'd have harmful cleaning agents? aspartame? monosodium glutamate? and even modified foods?

    Try to go into a store and locate one product that is truly 100% natural and will not do ANY harm to your body, you will see that there isn't one product that is 100% natural, will not cause any arm to your body and more than likely in that product it will have some sort of modified ingredients.

    It sickens me when I see people chewing gum, eating flavored chips, and taking vitamin supplements. But can you blame them? You can say "hey, go on the internet and look up the stuff", they'll respond with "why would you believe in the internet anyways", heck you can tell them everything Aspartame and Monosodium Glutamate does to them and they would look at you as if you were making it all up. They believe that because the government and their doctors are not telling them anything about these products. Doctors are getting paid by the government to keep their mouths shut about the truth and plus the majority of the doctors are not educated enough to know the truth about the products we have on the market today.

    When I tell my parents about aspartame, they ignore me. Mainly my mother and she drinks Diet 7-up believing that it's not doing anything to her. Well she has a bad knee and has random mood swings. I've told her time and time again about what it does to a person, but she just says "well I'm going to just have a glass then I'll drink some water".. She does drink a lot of water and goes by the myth of drinking 8 glasses a day, because she's trying to lose weight.

    What people do not understand is that even though the product may say one thing on the packaging, it's truthfully different when you consume it.

    There's so many things we use in our daily lives that people are so uneducated about and refuse to accept the truth. Just look at the sodium fluoride debate, if you want to call it that. There aren't very many people who know that sodium fluoride is the second most toxic chemical known to man and yet they put it in our water! What a great way to take over the human race, by making it stupid so innocently.

    We simply cannot blame people for what they are consuming.. We are constantly drilled through the media and the people around us that everything we are eating is fine and dandy. We all know fast food is bad for us and yet we don't shy away from taking a "bite" of McDonald's burger when we are hungry and on-the-go.

    Sounds, sight, taste and what-not are all major factors in the way our brain works. Sound -> anything loud gets our attention, anything unique and rare gets our attention. Sight -> anything unusual and colorful (often using bright colors such as red, yellow and blue) that stands out. Taste -> anything modified. Our bodies are fed the same bullcrap ever since we are young, so often times natural food tastes bad. Why do you think kids hate vegetables and fruits? It's natural. Our body and brain is so modified throughout our entire life span that we can and should be called living robots to our master: the government.


    In fact, there is a natural sweetener, not on the market but found in a documentary (listed below in my sources) called "Sweet Remedy: The World Reacts to an Adulterated Food Supply", it's called "Stevia". According to it's official website: "Stevita stevia is extracted by a natural water extraction process which leaves all the purity of the sweet substances intact and at the same time provides a very clean, clear and intensive sweet taste to the final extract." In the documentary it can be seen that the FDA has turned it down, for unknown reasons as the FDA is not wanting to say! They literally when into the man who wanted Stevia on the market office and took everything he owned and pretty much said "you will not market this"

    Shows how much the FDA really cares.

  6. Splenda (sucralose)  is the safest non-calorie sweetener available in the US currently.  It supposedly passes strait through your body.

    Nutrasweet is still fully endorsed by the FDA, I don't know if i believe all the horror stories on the net about it, but I avoid it if i can find a drink with another option.

    Stevia is the best non-calorie sweeter widely available, and totally natural, but not FDA approved for sweetening :(

    some people can't consume sugar for some reason or another (dieting, diabetic) so there has to be some choice for non-calorie sweeteners.

  7. aspartame is supposed to be chemical, while splenda is supposed to be natural

  8. an overdose of aspartame is called Rumsfeld disease if you hadn't known already, because Donald Rumsfeld was a big part of getting it approved for his Nutrisweet buddies, no matter what effects it caused.    Splenda is so new that who knows what effect it could cause in 10-20 years from now.

  9. splenda is sucralose, not aspartame. they're both chemical, but aspartame is generally regarded as less healthy for you because of its rumored connection to the development of brain lesions/tumors and lymphoma. there is also speculation that the amount of formaldehyde produced when the aspartame breaks down in the body could be dangerous. either way, it's definitely safer to stick to regular, full-calorie, real sugared sodas in smaller quantities. or just drink water instead; it's all natural!

  10. Splenda is made from real sugar and has no aspartame in it. It's a lot healthier than the fake stuff, and doesn't have the calories of sugar. I use it a lot...

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