
Why would you bring a crying baby on an airplane?

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Why would you bring a crying baby on an airplane?




  1. The primary reason is because the plane is going to leave you behind if you don't board the plane.  And leaving the child behind would be considered child abuse.

    So what other choices are there????

  2. Well weither the baby was crying before it entered the plane or after....that really doesn't matter....babies cry that's what they do!!!!!!!!

  3. You have to get to were u need to go and you cant let a baby stop you

  4. if i chose to fly a plane, and i had a baby i had to take with me,,i guess then crying issue is a secondary one....

  5. you must not have any children...

  6. How is a mother supposed to know whether the baby is going to cry when she gets on the plane? There's no magic way to make babies not cry. And if that mother is getting on the plane to attend her father's funeral, I think that her getting to her destination is much, MUCH more important than worrying about whether other passengers are annoyed by the baby crying.

  7. Good question.  I think they should have a seperate baby section in the back of the plane which can be closed off for noise and provide things mothers might need for the babies (changing table and stuff).

  8. If I was travelling I would take my baby too , who may or may not be crying.

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