
Why would you buy an iphone?

by  |  earlier

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They are $6,199 (NZD) over 2 years.

I could buy a mac book pro, an ipod touch and a pretty good cellphone for cheaper than that and still have enough money left over to pay for the phone and internet bill.

What do you think about the price? Did it put you off buying one?




  1. i think the price is kinda crazy but i mean you could seriously just use that as your home phone line and cellphone line and even i know some people i know use that as their home computer and ipod i know the battery isnt that long but still you can always charge it up fast.

    it is a good buy i think

  2. If I win Lotto I will buy one and that's not likely to happen!! I would love to own one but the price is ridiculous. The $NZ 199.00 was fine, but $NZ250.00 a month as well  ....................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. OMG i dunno why people would its so expensive

    And it came out so late as well...

    No i never wanted one, i already have a good Nokia that is 1/6 of that price!

  4. there's no way I'd pay $250 per month in charges just to run a fancy phone.  $6,199.00 could get you a car or a deposit on a house, so when you think of it in those terms you're better off saving your $$.  I think only egotistical boys/men trying to show off are going to be paying that for an iphone.  It will be their latest status symbol.

  5. You can get one for $979 without a plan, a lot cheaper than $6,199.  My brother got one and managed to convince his work to pay for it.  I already have a phone (which cost $49 to get unlocked at a butcher in town) that I can contact my friends with so am not planning on getting an iphone or any other new phones.

  6. Wow that is expensive!

    I won't be getting one, too much of a rip off and to be honest, I think they are very over-rated.

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