
Why would you find it hard to talk about certain topics?

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(I don't wish for you to divulge the exact topics, just sharing the reasons why it is so difficult, if possible.)

For me, as an example, it is hard for me to discuss certain things as i am such a private person and would not trust the other person to keep mum.




  1. Some people are scared of what others might think or do if they discussed a certain topic. If they have an opinion, or view, of something that wouldn't be socially acceptable, they would keep it to themselves to avoid any negative reactions.

  2. information is power. talking about certain topics gives that power to other people. if you don't completely trust them they could use it against you, or form negative opinions of you based on it.  

  3. First Know more things and read the books of successed persons. you will get more confidence. take the happenings as a experience.

    think all before you are fools.(only for your confidence)

    talk loudly and confidencely.

    then all will be solved

  4. cant say that i would find it hard to talk about anything but just with the wright people.

    but even the people you trust can turn against you

  5. Well I had Cancer twice and I've been through a lot. Talking about the treatment doesn't bother me but while battling cancer I lost two very good friends. That's a bit touchy.

  6. I find it hard because i am uncertain how the other person would take it. I would hate to be judged as i want to be accepted.  

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