
Why would you give to charity

by  |  earlier

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Here in the western world we are already born with a destiny to be slaves for our economy's so why are individuals spending their money on others. I could have all the money in the world and I still wont give a penny to a charity

Firstly I dont know where its going even if I did still dont care enough to give

Im not God plus if there is a God, God obviously doesnt care also if anything keeps giving them natural disasters

I was born to live not to give

I dont care if the money was for long distant relatives in Africa I dont know anyone from there or any of them they dont care bout me plus like I said I dont care about another unless its a person dying in front of me or my wife or children. I would give blood but dont like needles

Our governments can easily stop poverty world wide but they obviously dont so why do we their slaves have to care then

It does not take 50 years to grow a single crop lol so whats taking these charities so long with the billions they have taken in the last 50 years to teach people who already know how to plant how to plant? Or Are they teaching people how to walk or something over there

I believe the money you give to charity is taken by the government who uses it to pay for third world exports which you end up buying not helping them

What are your reasons for giving to charity?

Also I aint evil just because I wont give away currency dont mean I wont help people in other ways your people who gives £2 a month lol send it to me please im hungry right now




  1. So basically what your trying to say is your selfish? If you can afford a PC to go on Yahoo answers then you can afford to buy yourself food... unlike all those dying from realstarvation in other countries... but you probably dont care right?

  2. I'm sorry to say but this is an excuse for selfishness.

    My view on charity is a bit different however. It's more of a case of teaching a man how to fish, not giving a man a fish.

  3. I agree with you "somewhat".  We all have heard the horror stories about monies being misused or stollen from various charities.  I do not like to give to large organizations either for fear of that. I'd rather give directly to a person face to face that I know for sure needs the help. Sure hunger around the world is a problem but instead of showing these people how to plant as you say they know how to do already I say teach them better methods of birth control. It seems to me that most of their problems come from over population. Even though we are spoiled in this country(US) we still in some cases have to count our pennies. I donate my time as much as I can but sometimes even that is not appreciated and is taken advantage of..  my opinion.

  4. I work for a UK charity.  We could not do our support work with vulnerable adults without charitable donations and that includes volunteering.

    In addition, I give to the following charities:

    1)  My own charity

    2) PDSA

    3) Save the Children

    4)  Cancer Research

    Your argument about charitable giving is unsound and not nice.

  5. Well you work for your money (hopefully!) so you have the right to spend it in anyway you choose. We all have opionions on what we consider to be right or wrong, some people will see your opinion as wrong but people should not be forced to give to charity if they don't believe in the cause just because others do.

    I do give to charity but I will only give to animal charities because I believe in what they do. I have, at times, been sworn at and said what a nasty person I am because I refuse to give to charities such as Cancer Research or any other charity that research on animals. My attitude is if people don't like it then they can go to h**l.

    I do agree with your point about the amount of money that the public are donating to the third world countries. It makes me wonder how much of this donated money they charities actually receive.

  6. Too much TX to read.....Sorry.

  7. haha well you can do what u want with what you have. me i cant afford to help others right now i need to take care of me and mine. if i did have money to just give away it would be to cancer research because half of my family died ffrom cancer so it is a way to honor them. i do a cancer walk that raises hundreds of thousands of $ each year well not this past year but the previous years. so i feel like im doing my part even if i dont give out my money.

  8. you're a selfish person

  9. i didn't read it all.. (obviously) but um.. what?

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