
Why would you install (or not install) a solar water heater?

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  1. There is no doubt of the energy benefit; however the success of the installation is based on the competency of the contracted assigned to do the work.  It does require a high degree of "plumbing" talent; an additional consideration to the quality of the parts ("tubing") has to be essential for a long lasting system.  

  2. installing a solar water heater really is a old idea. With the new tankless  water heaters that now take up little space they save alot of money on gas. They only heat the water on demand instead of trying to heat up the water before you need it and maintaining its temperature. Solar water heating only pre heats the water before it reaches the tank which still needs to run the burner to get the water to the desired temp.It saves some gas or electricity but not worth the trouble of having it. Another thing to think about is if it is going to be ok to put that extra weight on your roof (the water pipes and the panels ).After 13 years of residential plumbing experience I would say dont do it.Go tankless and put high efficiency panels up that can produce and store electricity for you to use at night their are alot of electrical contractors that install these new panels.The new panels are so nood they actually will make your meter go backwards and reduce your bill when you are not home to use the power they make.        I HOPE THIS HELPS GOOD LUCK

  3. The only thing stopping me from getting a solar hot water heater right now is immediate cash flow.  When economic conditions are more solid, and we have cash, I hope to do it.  I will not take on debt for such a thing.

    In the 1930's, my grandmother's brother got a solar water heater put onto his house in Hawaii.  It worked reliably until late in the 1970's.  My brother got one installed some 15 years ago, and it's still working fine.  So the technology is well-proven.  True, we live in California, not Hawaii, and it's not as hot year round here.  But I still think it makes abundant sense.

  4. why? the answer is simple

    to harness a free and easily available energy source

    they work on daylight, not sunlight

    i live in Scotland UK and have one, and believe me, we are NOT famous for sunshine here

    i have had mine since January, and even in this climate, my bills have quartered in that short time

    its a no brainer really

    the initial cost is there of course and you have to work out re coup time, especially if you do not plane to live in that house for a long time, but if you are settled, its worth looking into

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