
Why would you kill someone?? i never would

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Why would you kill someone?? i never would




  1. I would do anything to protect my family. If there was NO DOUBT in my mind that someone was going to kill a family member of mine I would do whatever it takes to save their life, even if that means taking the life of another. I wouldn't be proud of it but think about it. If someone threatened to kill your 6 month old baby or grand child and there was no doubt in your mind that person was serious, would you just stand by and do nothing while they killed a defenseless child? I wouldn't. And you can give me as many thumbs down as you want but I will protect my family no matter what it takes to do so.

  2. I would never just snap and kill someone. But in a situation where someone threatened my life/safety or the life of someone else and I got an opportunity to kill them, yes, I think I could pull the trigger. A person who threatens someone else must be stopped, and if I were in that situation and able to stop them, I would. In an attempted assault or rape, I think killing in self defense is absolutely justified. I've never been in such a situation, but I guess I just think of myself as a fighter and a survivor, and I think I would have the strength to kill an attacker. If I could just incapacitate someone, though, that would of course be preferred.

  3. i wouldn't either.

    i would only kill someone if they were threatening a loved one's life, and taht was my only option.

    i don't belive that that is our position to take lives away. that's God's place.

  4. some of my family members who are cops would just dissapear, i think thats creepy

  5. I would NEVER kill someone. If you do thats just wrong. I mean if its for self defense I understand but even still, I don't think I could.

  6. why? probably accidently in a moment of rage i would  stab someone. or if they were killing my dog, or my friend, o one of my family members. its not that im a violent person, its just sometimes i have these fits of rage where i hurt people, and it might get so bad that i eventually kill someone.

  7. No i wouldnt on less it involves sum1 messin with my kid or my family. but you thought about or you would have never asked that question

    have YOU ever wished death upon sum1

  8. Why would I kill someone? Lets see...



    for power,

    for honor...

    h**l, I'd kill you for a Klondike bar.

  9. i am a Viet Nam veteran. the army tought me how to shoot. Viet Nam tought me how to kill. When i came back i decided that i would not take another life "no mater what" so my answer is NO, i won't take another life again.

  10. I think maybe in a moment of distress if someone assaulted a loved one and was trying to kill them and the only way to save my relative was to kill the one assaulting, I think I could be capable of such a thing.

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