
Why would you participate in this environmental program?

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"The SmartPower 20% by 2010 Clean Energy Campaign is our challenge to cities and towns, faith communities, colleges and universities and businesses to start using clean energy. Through the 20% by 2010 campaign we will help to prove to the nation that clean energy is real, its here and its working."




  1. i wouldn't because i actually have a life

  2. there will always be more people negativly impacting the enviroment than positive

  3. I wouldn't. I see no need to give a bunch of pseudo-know-it-alls the power to decide what is clean energy and what is not.

    And that is their goals; political power and making money.

  4. It appears you need a good motivation for your campaign.  Why not try pursuading them through facts? Tell them what they can gain, whether through financial or aesthetics, as long as you can provide people with a specific reason to change from conventional sources of emergy or power to the more tedious and at times expensive alternatives (at least the initial outlay or capitalization).

    People hear it everyday "Use clean energy" but nobody sat with them to explain the benefits, not only environmentally but really advantageously in their hurried lives even financially.

    I hope you get what I mean.

    Try it and good luck.

  5. I reject your premise.   I wouldn't participate in that program.  Why not make it 100% clean energy, or 50% or 17%.  Seems arbitrary.

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