
Why would you put a jersey barrier at the end of a spot where cars will be going up to 300MPH???R.I.P. Scott K

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  1. I think there was a road at the end of the track...

    The sand trap looked like it launched Scott over the cargo net and into the barriers.

    Hindsight is always better than foresight.

    Hopefully this will bring about change for the better as have all previous fatalities.

  2. is this a trick qust? and not nice useing the letters, you know just what i mean!!

  3. I am a big drag racing fan and also a track employee, but I'm not quite sure why they would do that either.  I keep hearing they need to re-evaluate their shutdown area, but I don't think in this case it would have helped him.  With the car in flames, even the chutes were blown.  I agree-- RIP Scott...

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