
Why would you ride a motorcycle?

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i just want to know. A lot of people i have asked say that motorcycles are huge death traps, which they probably are, but they look awesome and yea.




  1. I ride because I enjoy riding. Sure, there's an amount of danger but that's part of just about anything we do in life.

    You accept the risks, take what precautions you desire to take, and go forth... ☺

  2. because i like it.

  3. I enjoy it , and I'm pretty good at it

  4. What do you want to forever, lol j/k? They aren't death traps.It's the chick driving in her car talking on a cell phone and putting on eye liner that can make it risky.You just have to ride like your invisible.Riding along on a hot day and hitting a cool patch of air is a great feeling.Gotta love it!

  5. I enjoy it, and i'm pretty good at it...

  6. freedom you can not describe the feeling lets put it this way you are totally pissed off  you go out in your car come back still pissed off  go out on your motorbike get on the bike set off that's it chilled at peace with the world

  7. 95% of todays riders are not trained.

    The slap thier money down and ride out on a mega housepower bike in a tank top and sneakers

    They give a bad name to those who have been trained and riding thier entire life

  8. 1 - Its LOADS of fun

    2 - They are far more fuel efficient than most cars and in case you haven't noticed gas is around $4/gallon

    3 - They look cool

    As an aside - a motorcycle on its own isn't a death trap.  The "death trap" comment is because of misuse, improper riding, and 4-wheeled vehicle drivers that don't pay proper attention to others on the roads.

    I'd bet you that if anyone studied motorcycle accidents they could find one of those three reasons as the cause of 99.9% of them.

    I took the "rider ed" course and feel much more confident as a rider, but I'm still constantly watching out for what some idiot is going to do to me.  I know how to ride my motorcycle properly but I don't know that others are going to drive properly around me.

  9. They're very easy to park.

  10. Get the idea that motorcycles are dangerous out of your head. The ones that claim they are "donorcycles" or "murdercycles" or huge death traps are often, if you notice, people that have NEVER ridden one.  Someone told them motorcycles were dangerous, and they simply believed it.

    Motorcycles are not dangerous.  They are inanimate objects.  They are machines.  They will not suddenly develop a hatred for the rider, nor will they suddenly handle erratically for no reason.  They only respond to rider input, and will do exactly what the rider tells them to do.

    Now if the RIDER thinks they know it all, or gives the wrong input to the bike, or panics and does something inappropriate for riding a motorcycle, then they will crash.  That is not the fault of the machine, that is the fault of the rider.

    Every story I have heard about someone who knows someone who crashed their bike and was injured or killed has one thing in common:  the rider was doing something stupid.

    A friend highsided on the freeway during rush hour and lived, but his mistake was that he panicked and slammed his right foot onto the rear brake, locking the rear wheel.  he never practiced panic stops or swerves, and rode it like it was a car.

    Another co-worker had a friend who was decapitated while riding, so he claims that gear wouldn't have helped anyway.  But the rest of the story was that he was a teen on a GSX-R1000 going WAY too fast downtown and hit a car head-on, and when the hood popped up...

    Another co-worker's brother-in-law had to ahve his leg amputated when he crashed his cruiser into a fire hydrant.  Why would he do that?  he got drunk at a bar and decided to ride down the sidewalk!

    I even overheard another customer at the motorcycle shop yesterday talking about his cousin, who crashed his Ducati 1098 and tore up his leg so bad he can't hardly walk now.  I couldn't resist.  i asked, "Wow, the leather tore through that fast?"

    "He wasn't wearing leather" was the reply. "Guess you shouldn't ride a race bike in shorts!"

    Again, EVERY one was a rider doing something stupid, throwing common sense to the wind.  let me reiterate that MOTORCYCLES ARE NOT DANGEROUS!  They DO take a particular set of acquired skills that take TIME to learn, and you are always invisible to everyone else on the roads at all times.

    As long as you can handle that responsibility, you can ride a motorcycle.  And despite the negativity I have portrayed, riding is one of the best things a person can experience with their clothes on!

  11. I've bicycled 140,000 miles since 1972, and more recently I got an electric bike. It only has a half-horsepower motor, but it gets me up the biggest hill in town.

    I think there is a big difference between driving a bike to get somewhere, and driving a big bike just to show off.

    There will always be show-offs who do stunts and ride at wild speeds.

    When riding a bicycle or motorcycle, you have to look around for other vehicles.

    Bicycles can get to a high enough speed that it could be dangerous. Most people don't realize that.

    I might get a 50cc moped , or a 250cc scooter. But I don't want a huge bike.

  12. First and foremost, because it's a lot of fun. But also cause they get great gas mileage. The most important thing is to be aware of what's around you. If you get in an accident, you have a greater chance of getting hurt, but if you pay attention to your surroundings, you decrease the chance of getting in an accident.

  13. Don't drink and ride.  Be cautious going through intersections. Beware of the intentions of everyone on the road. Ride in a manner where you assume nobody can see you. Don't ride beyond your capabilties and wear protective gear and riding a motorcycle will be alot less dangerous and you will sustain alot less injuries.


    Becuase its the best feeling in the world when you're power wheelieing at 80 mph

    Im pretty sure all the cruiser people gave me a negative comment because they can't do a wheelie. Thanks.

  15. Many people say a great many things about things they have no knowledge of.

    Get all the information about riding that you can and decide for your self. If you chose not to ride, then that is your choice. If you chose to ride...,

    Ride Safe

  16. coz theres nothing like feeling a bug hit you at 80 + mph

    and the wind in yer face and blowing through one hair if your lucky enough to live where theres no lid law to encroach on your rights to be free

  17. death trap hmmmmmm??? Isn't eating at McD's everyday a bigger death trap, I'm sure fast food does a lot more damage then bikes do.

      Bikes can be dangerous  just like any thing else in our life's. There are ways to have a safer time just like with skydiving or simply driving a car. Safety starts with the operator, but also depends on surroundings including others that use the highway. The death trap isn't all the folks getting on bikes, it's the ignorance of those few that don't give a hoot.

  18. No doubt they are more dangerous than a car, but they are a lot more fun also. Many of life's most fun activities are dangerous.

  19. Every minute you breathe your chances of dying increase. I had a friend to tell me she feared my buying my last bike because she thought I may crash and get hurt. I told her I could fall down the stairs and get hurt. Pi$$ed her off and she slammed the phone down. Her husband fell off the ladder last week and shattered his wrist. Accidents? Not necessarily death traps. Many have it right because if the auto drivers scanned the roads and intersections.......everywhere a problem could occur, we'd have far fewer bike deaths. Then if the guys that drive as crazy as some do on bikes would calm their a$$es down and go with the flow, Deaths would be almost nil. Believe it or not, MOST bikers can tell you what happened eight or ten cars up and the driver ahead of them has no idea. They were chatting or texting on their cell or putting on makeup or even shaving. Some people even get dressed in their cars going to work! Bikers have their gear on before they leave the driveway.

  20. the day i need a reason to ride, will be my last. and if cage drivers paid half as much attention while driving as a motorcycle rider, we would'nt have terms like "death trap" associated with motorcycles anymore.

  21. More people are killed in cars.

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