
Why would you tell your ex's sibling EVERYTHING about yourself?

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should i be concerned that my ex (16yrs) is telling my little sister (13) everything about him self and why he transferred high school, things he never told me???? and they stay up talking till 4am mean while i haven't seen him in 6 months? or know his numberrr oh and they're hiding it from me...i read her IM's.

is it easier to tell someone who's barely in high school your personal problems?




  1. believe or not...he maybe attracted to her, or shes a good person to talk to, last but not least he could be using her to find out info on you!

  2. Well a lot of times people find it a bit easier to talk to your younger sibling, usually its not as bad as you think. He's probably not totally ditching you but he might find it hard to talk with you because he doesn't want anything to go wrong between you two. But then again, 6 months...

  3. that is weird!!!

    You better warn your sis.  

  4. You shouldn't read your sister's i.m.s.

  5. maybe he just built a closer relationship with her than he did with you don't take it too personally

    next time you seem him start up a personal conversation with him...see where it takes you

  6. No...i wouldn't even tell my ex everything about myself...let alone my ex's siblings...

  7. That's really weird and creepy dude. You should tell your sister.

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