
Why would you want 2 huge german alsatians in a 2 bedroom flat?

by  |  earlier

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this is not loving your pet is it, keeping 2 huge dogs like that along with your 2 sons and wife in a 2 bedroom flat,.

I did ask the dogs, and they told me they HATED everyday of it.

The dogs told me they wanted to run on grass and have lots of space but all they get is 5 mins 3 times a day outside on concrete then rushed back again.

This is from people some of which write here to answer me back, in favour of those lousy dirty dog owners, who i would have fined heavy, and dogs removed.In fact the dogs did ask me to make a complaint on thier behalf, but it seems i may be attacked by dog owners, thank God i have 3 pitbulls with me all the time.




  1. That doesn't seem very loving to me; am sure that the animals are content... but they can't be living to their full potential and certainly won't enjoy the long lives they deserve. Exercise is key for ALL dogs, not just big ones.  While it's true that animals CAN survive cramped quarters...and DO having denning's NOT a full life.  P.S.  Ginbark: you and the dogs may have been having fun...but I'll bet your neighbors weren't!!! That's just my opinion..and that's all...but HEY!

  2. Why are you a moron?  People like you should not presume to know how any other living being feels when you have no idea what the majority of their day is like.  I have two "huge" german shepherds and while *I* wouldn't want to live with them in a house smaller than the one I have, *they* would be perfectly fine in a two bedroom apartment.

  3. ummmmm..........yeah. right.

    talking dogs?


    go back to bed. you're having a dream.

  4. Talking dogs...of course seen them in TV animal channels,one clearly said chiwawa!(Really)

    I understand why you talked to them because everybody nose about people talking to plants.

    And what about parrots,and monkeys using sign language?

    It also must be smelly having the children and wife.

  5.    I lived in a 1 room eff with 2 GSD, a MinPin, a toy Poodle and 2 cats plus 2 cages with mice and a bird. They were all happy since the dogs got 4 mile walk/jog plus allowed to run on 2 acres during the day.

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