
Why would you want to play rugby league ?

by  |  earlier

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Rugby sucks. anyone can run in a straight line and throw the ball backwards , I fail to see the skill




  1. Why would you waste your time posting a topic on rugby if you dont like it?

  2. clearly you can't.

    football's easy when you can run the ball for 80m and never have to come into contact because some poor b*****d takes all the hits for you.

    I coach rugby in canada and coached in the states too, and, in my experience, football players can't catch, can't pass and can't break tackles.  This may be because NONE OF THEM HAVE TO DEVELOP BASIC SKILLS!!!

    Also, as a coach, football players are soft. they can't handle the sport because they dont wear pads.  Out of every 10 players that come from football to rugby, 9 of them quit or get injured and all of them say that we're crazy for not wearing pads.

  3. which game are you refering to ?...Rugby League , or Rugby?  ..they are two different games.

  4. if you truly understood the game of Rugby, you would realise how much skill it takes

  5. Play 80mins of Rugby, come back and post the same question and then you will have the answer.  People play rugby because you need some skill level to play it, you need eye/hand co-ordination as well as eye/hand/and feet co-ordination.  You need fitness, you need stamina, you need vision and most of all you need big Kahuna's.  Now by the feeling of the question you may lack the last.  Tell me a sport thats professional with so much contact and physical endurance that goes for 80 minutes where you must play within regulations yet out play, out think and out last your opponents.  You cant hide in rugby, you cant run the ball once and then have a rest.  This is a sport built on toughness, history, trust and mostly heart!!! Play hard rugby and you will know what a day in the office is!!!

  6. Good question - not and you're posting in the wrong forum.

    Maybe you would llke to enlighten us as to a sport that you think needs skill.

  7. Why would anyone play sport?.....Because it's fun!

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