
Why would you want to vote for someone who supports...?

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the Aerial hunting of wolves in Alaska? Friends this is against the law in most all states, but in Alaska I guess it's go for broke. This is a practice that allows people to fly planes low to the ground running a wolf until it's exhausted and then they shoot it.

Also why would you vote for someone who was a member of the A.I.P. Alaskan independent party, that wanted to be seperate Alaska from the United States.

This is Sarah Palin folks, it's fact and it's out there to read.

What a patriot we have here, and this is only a little bit of the nutty views this person believes in. Wow!

If you don't believe me, read it for yourself!




  1. At least it's a wild animal that can be used for food once killed or removed from potentially causing human harm.

    Unlike aborting babies who are 6 months old by leaving them in laundry bins with dirty towels until they die.  I'm not pro-life at all, but partial birth abortion makes me absolutely sick to my stomach.  NOTHING is worse than that, NOTHING.

  2. That's about Number 117 on my list of reasons to vote for Obama-Biden.  It's interesting, but hardly the most important.

  3. She wasn't a member, her husband was, and that was many years ago. He never supported that particular stance. I did read it for myself, thanks for the suggestion. Now YOU read it.

  4. I guess it is not against the law in Alaska, what exactly is the question?  Hunting is hunting!  You don't have a problem zeroing in on a fetus in the womb, but you have a problem with shooting animals from a helicopter?  You are weird!

  5. until your question i never heard of aerial wolf-hunting. it seriously sounds fun though.  

  6. alaskas one of the last places they still exploit the natives. don't believe the little brouchures about beautiful alaska. It's an oil rig, a rough and tumble place where you can mow down non humans with machine gun and leave the carcass to rot all in the name of "wildlife management." Another BS phrase like "freedom and democracy" to pull the wool over your eyes, keep you stupid while they take a big dump on your world.  

  7. they need to have an income a state, what you expect, selling ice?

    fur traders are needed for that state, just like oranges are from Florida,

    should we banned on how they force the trees to breed on farms?

  8. Honestly, I care way more about innocent unborn babies than I do predatory wolves.

    No comparison!

    NOBAMA 08!

  9. Why would you vote for someone who supports abortion.....

    Killing wolves.... killing babies.  I guess we know where your priorities are.

  10. Yes. It is just wildlife management. Like poisoning rats in Chicago. Same thing.

  11. Oh no! She doesn't have the wolf vote? Why is it that you people care more about animals than people?

    You don't think there are plenty of southern Democrats, who created and enforced Jim Crow for over a hundred years, that still wish they had won the Civil War and had been able to secede from the Union? And let's not forget Louis Farrakhan.  

  12. Wolves!  That is what determines or has ANY bearing on who gets your vote!  Did you ever hear of the economy, terrorism, healthcare, education, poverty.  Let's not divolve the presidential election into trivial fringe group personal agendas.  

  13. Because some people place more value on protecting live babies than they do wolves.  Why does Obama support killing babies in the delivery room?

  14. Guess you never heared of wildlife management.

    How else are you suppose to do that in rugged, snow covered terrain?

    How do they get rid of varmints in the city?

  15. The GOP is making a last-ditch effort to bolster a fizzling campaign!

    It's pretty apparent that McCain picked Sarah __ (whatever her name is) as a pander to the Hillary Clinton Democrats, however the intelligent ones will not be so easily fooled.

    The good news for the GOP is that all of Sarah's issues/problems/investigations are adding a little excitement to an otherwise extremely dull campaign, and distracting from the fact that the old man just doesn't have much to boast about.

  16. Umm...Ok...I read it for myself:

    Not every state is overrun by wolves and bears, like Alaska is...It's largely wilderness there (Remember, everyone keeps saying that)

    Wolves need culling when their population increases dramatically. It's all very well planned out in every state for every kind of animal, just like deer, bears, coyotes, buffalo etc. and it has been going on for decades... even under Democratic leadership.

    When the wolf and bear population gets high, they begin to encroach upon towns and homes, and are a dangerous threat to families, especially children, domestic livestock and pets, as well as sled dogs (wolves are predators, in case you were unaware)...Wolves and bears abound in Alaska

    As for the AIP:

    The AIP is a 'state's rights party" that had some (not all) members who held the idea that Alaska should become it's own country...The party leaders clearly state that the party is NOT secessionist

    "We are a state's rights party," says Clark, a self-employed goldminer. The AIP has "a plank that challenges the legality of the Alaskan statehood vote as illegal and in violation of United Nations charter and international law."

    She says "IT'S NOT ACCURATE TO DESCRIBE THE PARTY AS SECESSIONIST" -- "They just want a vote", she says, adding that the members of the AIP hold different opinions on what Alaska should be.

    "My own separate opinion as an individual is that we should be an independent nation," Clark says.

    Others in the AIP "believe that being a commonwealth would be a good avenue to follow."

    Some advocate statehood -- but a fuller statehood than exists now.

    She doesn't know what Palin's position was.

    "It never came up in conversation," Clark recalls

    While Sarah attended meetings with her husband, there is nothing that says she was a MEMBER of the party:

    updated 7:48 a.m. ET, Wed., Sept. 3, 2008

    ST. PAUL, Minnesota - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's husband, Todd, twice registered as a member of the Alaskan Independence Party (15 years ago), a fierce states' rights group that wants to turn all federal lands in Alaska back to the state

    Sarah Palin herself was never a member of the party, according to state officials.

    Todd Palin's party affiliation emerged Tuesday as the latest issue confronting the McCain campaign as it prepared to introduce Gov. Palin to the Republican National Convention.

    Voter registration records and past news reports, however, show Palin never registered as a member of the Independence Party, and backed Steve Forbes' presidential campaign in 2000, not Buchanan.

    "Supporters of Barack Obama are engaged in an unfortunate and nasty smear campaign," McCain spokesman Brian Rogers said, specifically citing issues related to Palin's politics.

    Gail Fenumiai, director of the Alaska Division of Elections, said Todd Palin twice registered under the Alaskan Independence Party — in 1995 and 2000. Some members of the party have advocated secession from the United States, though THAT IS NOT A GOAL LISTED IN THE PARTY'S PLATFORM.

    Voter registration records show Sarah Palin registered in May 1982 as a member of the Republican Party and has not changed her affiliation. Todd Palin has been registered undeclared since 2002, Fenumiai said.

    Palin did address the Alaskan Independence Party's state convention by video earlier this year, welcoming the party to Fairbanks.

    "Your party plays an important role in our state's politics," she said in the video, which is posted on the party's Web site. "I've always said that competition is so good, and that applies to political parties as well."

  17. The secular progressives are getting desperate. I support Gov.Palin and look forward to her speech tonight. I hope you watch it also.

    Country First/Personal attacks must end

  18. I was never planning on voting for her. There's more to dislike and disapprove of than simply hunting wolves, and wolves are not on the top 100 things wrong with this country.

  19. No, I could never support an anti-choice homophobic creationist and NRA supporter.

    We do not need more 4 more years with a religious fundie in the White House.

  20. Are you sure it was SARAH Palin that was a member of the AIP? I guess I need to do some more research because I was under the impression that she was NOT a registered member... Thanks for clearing that up and showing Fox, and even CBS and NBC that they were wrong...

  21. ....nutty is an understatement.

    she belives this iraq war is approved by  


    Over a million innocent Iraquies and thousands of Americans killed. Does the Price Of Peace really approve this war that is based on lies ???? I don't think so !!

  22. I think you need to read something besides the Daily Kos.  The AIP story is false.  Time to dream up a new smear.

  23. I guess you don't believe in hunting rights?

  24. Do you know anything about Alaska?  Do a little research before you just spout off at the mouth.

    You are sadly misinformed and obviously believe anything you read in the papers or hear in the news.  Get your facts straight and come back with a real question!  

    Obviously, you are a supporter of the candidate with 140 days of experience.  Wow, now that is someone I want making decisions for my family and my country.    

  25. You cry-baby liberal, what would know about hunting anything???

    Bo, Ho, Bo Ho.  

  26. she was never a member of AIP.  This has already been debunked.

    im against aerial hunting of wolves and disgree with palin on this.  but not nearly as much as a i disagree with barak's stance on the Born Alive Child Protection Act.

  27. What other states have their moose, elk and caribou populations being decimate by too many wolves?  What other states have domestic dogs and sled dogs being slaughtered and eaten while chained up on private property by hungry wolves?  


  28. Now you know how us republicans think about Obama. Go read his books. The guy is a mental case. I'm glad he's the one on your side, and Sarah is on ours.  

  29. Here you are worried about Sarah Palin being for hunting rights, and your boy Obama is for abortion. Boy you really have your priorities straight.

  30. I suppose you should be lauded for a civic-duty of sorts-- by offering this 'information' you've saved people the effort of visiting the KOS

  31. Sarah Palin is also against putting polar bears on the endangered species list because that makes more problems for big oil companies who own her. She even had her Attorney General sue the federal government to have polar bears taken OFF the endangered species list.

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