
Why would you want to work with children in a day care setting?

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just a question i am putting out there for anyone who works with children in either a school or a day care/learning center setting




  1. You will have to really love kids and babies.  If you can't stand to hear a five month old cry then it's not the place for you, and if you can't stand to play games with two-year-old's then you shouldn't work there.

  2. In my opinion there is no greater reward than to affect and effect the lives of children in a positive way.  

  3. I am the preschool 4's teacher in an early childhood center.  I love working there.  I get to do lots of hands-on experiences with the children.  We get to explore fun materials: shaving cream, paint, glue, sand, bird seed, cotton balls, etc and learn while we do it.  I like to see my hard work pay off when the children begin to understand a concept we are working on.  The parent/teacher relationships that I have developed with most of the parents are awesome.  Since it is not a school that has mandates we have to follow, I can be creative with what and how I teach.  I still follow a curriculum but I can facilitate it however I want to as long as I am covering it.  This creativity makes the job more fun and lets me adapt it to where the children are.  

  4. I work in a preschool which has morning and afternoon sessions so not quite day care!

    But I work there because I love doing something that makes a difference. It's not just 9-5 on a till or typing numbers into computer. I love seeing chidlren smiling when they have learnt something new or when they find their first REAL friend. It's so rewarding and i dont care that I earn pennies (well not literally) because I can honestly say I look forward to going to work every single day!

    It's a job thats constantly changing, different everyday and seeing children grown up around you is an amazing feeling!

  5. daycares are a lively place to work. You should have lots of children to take care of and it is usually never dull or tedious work. There should be lots to do.  

  6. Well, it sure isn't for the pay. lol. Teachers of any kind, especially those in day cares and preschools are very underpaid for their education levels. I know you wouldn't believe it if you're one of the many people paying outrageously high private school or daycare bills but it's true. I'm not a daycare worker yet but I'm currently working on my associates in Early Childhood Education. Subsequently I hope to work for the Head Start program, a preschool program for underprivelaged children. I want to work with children because I love kids. They are fun to be around and are much wiser than most adults give them credit for. Seeing the young minds develop is very gratifying work. Also, although the pay isn't great, the perks are awesome. You get to go to work and play practically all day and you get nearly every weekend and holiday off. That's very important to me since I have a family.  

  7. i think its a great place cause if you dont have Children then it will show you what you are excpetinig it shows a great deal of places and children

    i am only in the 8th grade dont judge me just cause i am not all that smart i have a 3.5GPA and i am very wize so please learn to trust people

  8. I love working with children and giving them the attention that their parents aren't able to, because they are working hard to provide for the children. It makes me feel accomplished when the children start to show the things they have learned and talk about that things we do together with their parents, I feel like I am helping out parents. Children are great and I wouldn't want to not be around them.

  9. i chose to begin my career in early education in 1975 as a teacher and recently retired after 25 years as a director.  i wanted to go into early education to try to prevent some of the problems that children could face early on.  to be pro-active on their behalf instead of reactive later in their educational career.  i felt that if i could make a difference early on i could, hopefully, catch some issues that could be dealt with such as learning disabilities, behavior issues, etc.  i feel that i accomplished what i set out to do.  i helped to raise a generation of happy, healthy children and i know from some of the students i encountered as adults, that i made a difference.  it wasn't always easy but it was always gratifying.  i always worked at low income centers with 'at risk' families and i could see the strides that we made together.  not only the kids, but the parents also.....and myself.

  10. Children need to be independent from their parents.  If they stayed at home with their parents, they wouldn't want to go to school later.  They would be too dependent on their parents.  It would ruin their emotional development.  Why would you ask this question about why adults work in a day care setting? Someone has to take care of them.  It doesn't matter who but someone has to do it so the children can have a successful transition from home to the commencement of more formal schooling.  All children should go to day care, nursery school and kindergarten.  It's the only way to make sure that they will grow up happy.

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