
Why wouldn't he ask me out?

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Anyway, we've been school friends for two years now, we never talk outside of school. Also, I doubt he's ever had a girlfriend. He's a few months younger than me though. And he wrote in a note that he likes me, but I also p**s him off because I'm always depressed.

He'd hug me almost every time we saw each other, and when I didn't hug him he would annoy me. We'd sometimes walk down the halls and his arm would be around my shoulder and mine around his waist.

He kissed my cheek once and the next day I asked him "wtf was that about" and he just said he felt like it, but this was a month AFTER I told him I liked him.

Our school did this thing where on Valentine's Day all the guys got this paper heart thing and his got stolen and when we were on the bus I asked him who he was going to give it to and he said me kind of nervous-like.

A couple times when we were walking down the halls he was sort of leaning on my back and a few people I knew were like "Is he your boyfriend?" and he would just kinda chuckle.

So yeah, WTF?

Also, I told him I liked him in January and he just ignored me the rest of the bus ride. Then everything was pretty much the way it used to be - tickling, poking, hugging. The note was in May. He knew I liked him. I don't think I could have been any clearer than "I like you."

I don't like him anymore since I haven't seen nor talked to him since school ended. I never asked him out because I am very shy. I would rather talk to myself than meet other people. And this was when we were high school sophomores.




  1. It sounds like he likes the chase but not the catch.  I was the same way with the first guy I ever dated.  We had so much fun flirting around, and then when it came to becoming boyfriend and girlfriend I got cold feet.  I didn't really understand why I felt this way but it happened.  Its possible he is feeling the same way I did.  Now I don't have cold feet what so ever.  So what I would say is that it is because it is his first real boyfriend girlfriend experience.  Don't be afraid to meet new people.  Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there so other guys can see the person you are.  Thats what i did with my boyfriend.  And we are madly in love with each other.  There is a guy out there for you some where sometimes you just have to take the extra step to finding him.  

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