
Why wouldn't he trust me?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, long-story-short:

I've been seeing a married man for more than 2 years (I know, I know, I'm a home wrecker, w***e, s**t, I shouldn't be ruining his family, etc...I've heard it all before so don't bother with comments on that)

He got me pregnant about a year ago and I decided to abort the pregnancy. I've never given him any indication that I would do anything to destroy his life, his marriage or his future at all ever. I don't want him like that. It's JUST about s*x. The other day, we we're chatting and I mentioned his myspace page. It was public and it has been since I've known about it being there. Now it's private after I mentioned it to him. Why would he have done that? Why wouldn't he trust me after all this time?




  1. You may not be the only thing he has on the side.    Since it's just s*x for you, who cares what he does with his myspace?    

  2. He's got other things going on or maybe he feels like your spying on him.

  3. Maybe he doesn't want you to be any part of or know anything about his normal life.

    I'm sure he feels guilty everyday and you should too. You should go get yourself sterilized so that you can't reproduce and won't have to kill any more unborn babies. Abortion as birth control is just plain wrong and was done to protect his lie no doubt.

  4. He is just covering his own ***... you may not have done anything yet but he prob knows that people are unpredictable and he never knows when he might p**s you off, maybe he is planning to end things with you and does not want you to go all fatal attraction on him.

  5. He does not want you to get him caught! All it will take would be one little comment on your part to wreak his marriage!

  6. Because even though you've been together for 2 years, you're still "the other woman" and you always will be. That's just the way it is. If you want the same treatment he gives to his regular friends you should stop sleeping with him. He's going to do whatever he feels needed to protect his marriage, even though someone should tell his wife so she can through his dirty *** out.

  7. If it really is, as you maintain, JUST about s*x, why do you care what's on his myspace page? Were you feeling horny and visiting as part of a solo-s*x thing?

    If his wife is computer literate enough to know about his myspace, he'll know it's something she might look at for completely innocent reasons. The last thing he wants is you leaving some silly remark that starts alarm bells ringing in her head. (Although if she's too stupid to have noticed after two years...)

    Alternatively, if he's confident that his wife is never going to visit, then there may well be stuff on there he doesn't want _you_ to see. Because, even though it is all JUST about s*x between the two of you, he probably really does not want the hassle of talking to you about why you're not the only thing he's got going in his busy life.

    Why shouldn't he trust you? Well, maybe because you're the sort of woman who will knowingly get involved with a married man? Maybe because the lies he's been having to tell for a couple of years now are starting to get to him (because he's not a totally immoral jerk) and he's starting to feel a bit guilty and to wonder when the hammer will fall.

    Or maybe it's just projection: he's a lying, untrustworthy heel, so he suspects that you could easily be as unfaithful to him as he is to his wife.

  8. I hate to say this, but I don't think in this relationship, trust should even be part of the equation.

  9. hello are you home! if he will cheat with you he will cheat on you.and you say you dont want to destroy his family, then you are having s*x with him because why.he is a cheater, cheater dont the person they are cheating with.

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