
Why wouldn't you drink recycled water?

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Why wouldn't you drink recycled water?




  1. where would you find water that hasn't been re-cycled?

  2. Honestly if anyone has a problem with drinking recycled water they need a lesson. The water that comes from our tap is either chlorinated or full of chemicals not to mention fluoride a certified poison. So what’s wrong with recycled water? Because it's treated waste water it is made safer than the water we already drink. Get over your queasiness at the thought of drinking recycled water and think about the earth’s future do most people know that we have been drinking recycled water for millions of years where do you think our water comes from. It’s called rain it’s recycled, just because you left school doesn't mean forget basics. We drink recycled water every day even the water in those plastic bottles, we pay a high price for. Just think about it we may turn on a tap but where does it really come from?

  3. recycled water, what a laugh.  Did you know that there is no more or no less water on earth than there was 80 million years ago??  it's all the same d**n water.  so it's been recycled countless times already.  they just want to make it pure and make you pay for it.  if you are really worried about it, just get water from the tap and boil it.  there ya go, problem solved.

  4. It's filtered,so I don't see anything wrong with it.We're all gonna die from something anyway.

  5. Firstly, I do drink recycled water. We ALL do, everyone on the planet does! Like most people, if you fill your kettle from the tap, then it is recycled water. Even fresh spring water is recycled water, by nature/weather/globe/tides/moon.

  6. All water that you drink is recycled.  Even if you flush it down the toilet, it will go through treatment, evaporate into the sky, form clouds, and come down again as rain.  You can't avoid it.

  7. actualy I do, but nature recycles it for me as I have a well.

    As for what you are refering too, which is the stuff they run through a plant, because it is nasty tasting, and they use all the chemicals to make it "safe"

  8. yuck where has it been ....someones toilet yuckkkkkkkkkkkk

  9. For those of you who skipped your science lessons at school, here are some animations showing how the water cycle works:

    And more info here:

  10. because I'm not you.

  11. I do; so do you.  The water that you drink has been here since it came to the planet.  It is naturally recycled over and over through the natural water cycle.  If you are talking about man made recycled water coming from waste water treatment plants where do you think it goes?  It goes right back into the environmental system by being emptied into the nearest river or lake.  Then the people further down-steam consume the water again.

  12. hmmm... i am not sure bout in other countries but i trust my country's safety procedure in the process of rcycled drinking water.

    actually, ppl think wrongly of it. they think its like drinking toilet water.

    but its not. in fact, some how, in one way or another, the water we are drinking has already been reused thoroughly, thru sweat, evaporation, urinary, bla bla.... it has alr become not pure water.

    includin PURE distilled water, they come from grounds right? and no one can tell what it had gone thru before becoming PURE drinking water.

    so no worries for me to drink recycled water.

  13. I dont trust recycled water,jus like GM food, there maybe Very Long Term Effects lol

  14. Hello.... knock knock... anyone there......  We ALL DRINK RECYCLED WATER.  The water that is on earth today has been on earth for millions of years.  NEW water is not made... there is on new water..... IT IS ALL recycled and recycled.

  15. you shouldnt drink recycled water because the filters may not catch every partical that is in the water and you may end up getting sick.

  16. I don't necessarily think that we should recycle toilet water, but just water from the shower, or just wasted water shouldn't be thrown out. I would.

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