
Why yahoo US Olympics medal tally is different from <span title="UK,Germany,France,Italy,Austrilia,Japan....?">UK,Germany,France,Italy,A...</span>

by Guest57059  |  earlier

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Why yahoo US Olympics medal tally is different from UK,Germany,France,Italy,A...




  1. US has been out of step with most other countries in assigning ranking based on total medal count. This is includes websites of international organisations and even Wikipedia.

    Previously, US long held both total gold and total medals #1 rank - now that China has overtaken US in gold medal count the difference has become clearer and somewhat embarrassing for the US as it makes it look like sour grapes.

    US may yet overtake China in gold medal count due to superior performances in track &amp; field and other sports.

  2. is it?

    post links please  

  3. Leroy!~!!!!!!!! d**n dude, and you wonder why everybody hates us!!!!!  Will check the other sites and be back.  America Yahoo is showing USA with 72 medals right now.

    I just checked, they have USA with 72 as well, and so did    I&#039;m not even wasting anymore time on this subject, who said they were showing different results?

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