
Why you Americans always try to date our girls when you come in France ?

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I'm fed up !

Especially in summer, I see so many american tourists who think they are superior, who think they are handsome, and they date french girls ?

Don't you have girls in the USA ?

I don't go to USA and date american girls, so why do you come here to steal our girls ?

Why don't you respect us ?




  1. Pauvre type...

  2. Tu trouves ça intelligent de venir sur le forum US et de poser des questions de connard?

    Pose toi des questions sur ta mentalité et sur ta gueule avant de venir donner une mauvaise image de mon pays pauvre type. Je suis français et je ne me sens pas représenté par des gros cons dans ton genre.


  3. ASK THE FRENCH WOMAN. French woman like American maN; AND AMERICAN maN like French woman. Love has no race, color--Breath man!  Come to USA see if you get American woman.  Get over yourself.  Other people come to USA no problem we visit your countries; we fight for your countries u got problem!

  4. And what do you think happens when French guys go to the US, uh? And what about American girls coming in France and dating French guys? Ever heard about the word "open-minded" ????

    How cliché is that?

    I don't see what respect has to do with anything here.

    I feel so much frustration in your question .... Looks like someone got dumped because his girlfriend met a US guy.

    Oh and please no need to go all "don't think you're superior" because I'm French. I just don't understand your point in this question.

    Sérieusement, c'est à cause de gens comme toi que les relations franco-américaines sont pourries.

  5. Bonjour ! Mon copain est français et moi je suis californienne. C’est lui qui est venu me parlé, pas moi mais j’adore les français quand même ! Je pense qu’ils sont beaux :-) et j'adore la culture française.

  6. "OUR GIRLS" ?????????

    I was unaware that French men regarded French women as chattels that they owned.

    Perhaps if you had a better attitude concerning women you wouldn't find Americans such competition.

    EDIT: I think everyone who reads your responses will understand how the phrase "The lady doth protest to much" applies to you.

    To Fookine: There are fools in both our countries. Neither of us should be held responsible for the ravings of morons simply because we share the same nationality.

    EDIT2: Despite the questioner's assertion the fact is that Americans are better educated than the French on average.

    Almost one-quarter of U.S. 18- to 29-year-olds were enrolled in higher education, the highest enrollment rate among the G8 countries (which includes France).

    My observation is that most industrialized nations do a better job than the USA in rote learning. That is, students are required to learn more facts.

    However, the USA does a better job of encouraging creative thinking. This may account for the fact that the USA  is outperforming all other countries in terms of highly cited papers and citation/publication ratios, and it is more successful than the EU in coordinating its research efforts in strategic priority areas like nanotechnology.

  7. The exact same thing happens in Australia.

    The Americans like foreign girls, ones they can romance and then leave behind when they return to the US.

    But it's not just the Americans at fault.

    Whenever we get a visiting US ship our (the silly ones) Aussie girls line up on the docks to meet and greet them.

    Truly, it's like a cattle show. Totally bizarre.

    I have a friend (ex navy) and he says it's because our Aussie girls are friendlier and nicer than their American counterparts.


    A good question is one that generates passion. Well done, CRAZY JEAN CHARLES

  8. You need a psychological cure...

  9. Yes, we have girls in the US - intelligent, attractive, independent women.  And generally, French girls tend to look down on most American men, thinking we are a bunch of Bush loving cowboys. So the girls you are talking about are not the boulevardiers of Paris, but the party chicks hanging out by the cruise ships.

    And hey, we respect the French enough to save you from becoming a German colony - twice!   Check out the cemeteries around Normandy if you don't believe me.  The freedom you enjoy today is due to those men who sacrificed their lives, spilled their blood on your soil.  And back then, the French woman was appreciative.  C'est la vie.

  10. Usually I often hit hard on Americans but you know as a French I can't let this pass.

    You should travel a bit outside of our dear France and you'll see that we French do the same. I am in China and I all the guys including me are dating Chinese women. And do you have something against this too ?

    I don't remember that it was written somewhere that French should date only French and Americans only Americans.

    Or maybe you are just jealous of them?

  11. Because french guys are all dating each other.

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