
Why you love your job at daycare/preschool?

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Why you love your job at daycare/preschool?




  1. i dont work at a daycare/preschool

  2. Because I get to be with my child all day. I save money not having to pay for someone to watch him while I work.

    I love kids. Especially babies :)

  3. I don't because I work at a hotel. However I did child development in high school and I loved it because the kids were so sweet and cute. It was fun teaching them things.

  4. no i would hate it kids yelling and screaming not listening to you.

  5. i didnt... that job (i worked at a daycare) changed me sooo much..  I was depressed most of the time, and really stressed out...


    i have to admit there was good things to it, those kids learn to LOVE you, they are with you more than there parents.

  6. Well, I dont work at a daycare but I want to. I do ALOT of babysitting and I have 4 sisters 2 of them are 3 and younger. I am 16 and I love to play with my little sisters and babysit they are my entertainment every single night. I love being around children. Now it can be stressfull at times but all in all i would love it.

  7. I don't really like working in daycare settings, due to the experinces I have witnessed on how many Staff treat children. However I do work in  Primary School, and I totally love my job, it is amazing when helping a child how much confidence and increased self esteem they acheive when a teacher is postive to them. It is ever so rewarding, I could go on and on!!

  8. It takes a lot of energy and occasional frustration, but it is the greatest feeling. It's always different everyday, you're bound to laugh at least once a day from something one of the kids do...where else can you ask someone at work for a hug when you're having a bad day?

    It's such a good feeling when children learn new things and use it, it feels really accomplishing.

    It's physically draining sometimes, but so worth it! :)

  9. I worked at a daycare for two years when I was younger... I loved it beacuse I worked with toddlers, all they want is someone to play with and you got to experience all the firsts like first steps, first words... It was great, and at the end of the day... you get to send 'em home to their parents... yay! LOL... I'm not ready for kids, so that was really great....

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