
Why you should be sceptical of the Kyoto claims and the IPCC?

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There has been a natural warming and cooling of the earth during its evolution (geologic time), and more recently during the Medieval Warm and Little Ice Age Periods. The overall warming of the planet over the last 10,000 years has not been caused by human production of CO2.

In the last 100 years temperature increased noticeably from 1905 to 1940, with little change in CO2. From 1940 to 1975 global temperatures cooled while CO2 increased noticeably. The lack of correlation between CO2 and temperature change is clearly evident.

Astrophysical factors (the variation of solar radiation reaching the earth), and variations in global deep and shallow ocean currents are in large measure responsible for changes in the planet's climate.

The supposed main "greenhouse" gas, carbon dioxide, constitutes 0.035 % of the atmosphere. As different scientists have commented, the dominant heat trapping mechanism is water vapour, accounting for 97 % of the so-called greenhouse effect. Moreover, it can be seen in the record of past climates derived from Antarctic ice cores, that increase in CO2 followed temperature increases, rather than preceding them, or causing them.

The arguments claiming man as a cause of Global Warming are based on computer programs that are incapable of modelling world climate: many of the millions of parameters can only be defined in ranges with arbitrary skewing.

Examination of weather disasters (floods, droughts, etc.) by scientists show no relevance to climate change.

Recognition of temperatures recorded by satellites and weather balloons show very minor temperature change in the last 50 years. As well, there is a bias in the geographical distribution of historical surface temperature measurements (so-called "urban heat islands"). It should be noted that the margin of error of temperature field observations is several times that of the average 0.6 degrees Celsius warming that has prevailed since the depth of the Little Ice Age around the year 1700 AD.

The Intergovernmental Panel (IPCC) with its Summary for Policymakers (SPM) is often quoted as an authoritative source on climate change. However, many climatologists, including scientists working on the IPCC, disagree strongly with some of the conclusions issued in the SPM. It is evident that the SPM information is often political in content. The widely distributed and referenced SPM was compiled by UN bureaucrats that fails to convey the uncertainty of climate change forecasts of the panel scientists.

The Kyoto Protocol, by focusing on attempts to curtail CO2 at incredible cost, will not stop or reverse climate change.




  1. cleary crafted to hurt the economy of the U.S. and not put one limitation on the smaller economies of third world countries that are growing into growing polluters.  

    and china has not even thought about abating their environmental problem.  geesh.  wasn't bush that stopped it anyway, it was the CONGRESS, never got to Bush and the news/press never stated it.

  2. i really need to compile a list of sources on scientists who think global warming cause by man is inaccurate.  when you google global warming, all you get is the loud-mouths who believe it.

  3. Nice summary and accurate.  The only thing I might add is that CO2 levels have generally increased with temperature but the increase in concentration is likely to be resulting from an increase in temperature, and not vise versa for the reasons that you provided.  If CO2 concentrations were the driving force in increased temperature, then it doesn't explain the medieval warm or cool periods.

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