
Why young housewives are degraded more than hotties who do nothing but digging other men’s money for living?

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(the Q I asked b4 but got deleted)

the young housewives in fact, have been facing harder times running responsibilities after responsibilities making BIG contributions to the society from home, while the hotties-for-nothing only have fun with makeups, shopping, gossips, and all the girly entertainments... they don't work or pursue any further studies as well.

But why housewives are looked down upon more? It takes a lot of strength and wisdom to be one ya know.

I think they should be appreciated ALLOT.

This, however… a question in general. I’m in no intention to insult or offense anyone. Thanks for your answers.




  1. I agree with you 100%. However, house wives can be hotties too without being the w***e type like some gold diggers.

  2. ]Well my opinion is that gold diggers seem to display more of an independent and exciting life.They are usually glamorous, and good looking., which doesn't hurt also.

    housewives, LIVE FOR THEIR FAMILY. you RARELY SEE THE PORTRAYED IN THE MEDIA AS INDEPENDENT OR  s**y. But families who have a housewife, [I'm sure] appreciate her, because they know that the success of the house/household depends on her donig her job

  3. i read somewhere that if housewives/ moms if they were to get paid for there jobs they would be making over a 100 grand a year

  4. OMG where do i start!

    Cool guy 2 deserves a hotty 4 nothing so he can work his hole out trying to pay for her gym membership, hair, make up beautician, lunchs, dinners, girls night outs, botox and lipo for the rest of his life cos she isnt gunna have any skills but putting out for cash to support her self-  (or  a family)   SUCKERS, f@#head!    and Young housewives are fit, the Gym means Jack ****-  You try walking up and down the yard putting washing out, washing, cleaning, folding, ironing, feeding, vaccuming, sweeping, entertaining, shopping & emotionally support a family & you would have walked around the house 347 times a day enough with no time for the gym.....

    Maybe if men were more supportive & didnt think work was there only chore (Not all men - Just selfish sexistist likeMr cool guy)

    Anyways, I totally agree with laura & it dweels, it isnt fair and it is cos of men, if men didnt see women that way there would be more wanting to have a family and less trying to be so materialistic and appearance orientated.

    i am 24, work part time, am a full time student and my partner has 3 boys so i know what it is like......   Sometime you do feel looked down upon, and it does take alot of stamina and strength (physically & mentally) to keep up with the demands and not lose your self .......

    truthly i think you shouldnt worry about it so much because, in the long run those hotties 4 nothing are going to realise they have nothing in their life but stuff and things, they are going to lose as many partners as they have  had years because the cash flow cant keep up with them and in 10- years they are going to be the ones being looked down  on because they are still trying to be 20 odd instead of realising their age & that there is a purpose to life, happiness, love and health to gain not just hair, make up gossip and competitiveness!!!!!!!!

    Shut down- hussys!  

    YOU GO GIRL, I LIKE YOUR THOUGHT and i know how your thinking., but i cant put it nicely.  

    Nice Girls who can cook and clean are loved more by everyone better than gossipy girls in bike pants with hair extensions and lippy.  Here here   :)

  5. I think the Playboy Mansion Bunnies are to blame to be honest. Its cool to lounge around all day looking like them and spending your mans money, but if you are doing something worthwhile (ie raising a family, keeping house), its seen as boring. Its just society. and its annoying!

  6. yeah i know, id otn look down on them. I do look down on gold digging s**t though.

  7. Housewives need the hotties. We are a visual group. If all men had was Conservative housewives to fantasize about housewives would not be getting any. We see and flirt with s**y hotties and get excited and run home to make s*x to our under appreciated wives. you should send a thank you note to a hottie next time your husband reames you into Ecstasy

  8. OH, OK

    i tell you: Yes I am so dam tired of then freakin Hotties, with their insatiable, voracious s*x appetite, coming all up in my place with their young friends enticing me into lurid s*x games.

    IT PI55IES me off no end, I just wish they would just go away and leave me the HELLALONE.

    Tired, so tired they phone me, follow me, try to get me into their sports Ride, I’m FED-UP!!

    All I really want is a nice girl, who chats about housework and domestic priorities

    WHEN, oh when will these stupid HOT, HOT Gold Digging lasses LEARN THIS, WHEN?

  9. Certain jobs have always been looked down on. Jobs such as homemaking and also farming.

  10. Cuz housewives dont exercise......Hotties get money cuz they can get a way with it.....I know it sucks but, If housewives hit the gym and look hot, theyd have it all........But they dont want to so its gonna be like that forever

  11. see above me, in typical fashion, feminists are blaming men for something they themselves have done.

  12. That's life.  See some men assume that once a woman becomes a housewife, she loses her backbone and such women become easy targets and scapegoats by the very men who wanted her to be in such a position in the first place.

  13. It has a lot to do with the men really.  They see t*ts and *ss, and thats all they think about. They don't care about the wife in line at the grocery store carrying 2 screaming children....they care about the chick behind her with her fake t*ts hangin out...

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