
Why your gordon brown in china??? is he tryings to gets him self browny points on back of team GB.. why he...?

by  |  earlier

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.....not back over here trying to stops britain becoming third world country. me have just got out one third world country not want to live in another!!!




  1. He's there to fix the Turkish athletes urine samples.

  2. he's trying to do the kinds of things that tony blair used to

  3. What a stupid question  

  4. You sad person. What start as joke - now obsession. Not funny anymore. You need girlfriend. Maybe you can't get girlfrend. Get spot cream. Go to gym. Go to hairdressers. Have bath. Wear long trousers. Don't keep pet spider in pocket. Then maybe.

  5. you are absoloutely right. he should be supporting britain right now. but no, he f u ck ed of to china! why?? to make himself look good. concentrate on YOUR country that YOU are supposed to be ruling Gordon!

  6. He is trying to suggest that he has had something to do with the success of our athletes. Everybody knows though,it is the lottery money that has supported the athletes not the Brownies. He in fact has misused lottery funds for many ventures, which should have been Government financed. Look at that stupid Dome project as an example. He is an embarrassment and should get out of there as soon as the handover is completed.  

  7. At last you have found out that it is not so different from your countries, you have stinking track suits on your back for many weeks as you have in turkies, and kebab grease is just as same only more expensive, only we have no camels and goats for you to have good times with, you must be very homes sick yes??

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