
Why youth is so obsessed with technological development?

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Why youth is so obsessed with technological development?




  1. It is all part of technological progress. Instead of becoming individuals people are being assimilated into the machine.....Resistance is futile.......

  2. They are being brought up in a "waste and want" society.

  3. Like so many other things, peer pressure.  Everyone wants to be "in" on everything and not left "out".

  4. thats easy, we are living in the technology age, centuries ago they might have been into hunting and stone carving

  5. Youth is obsessed? I think that is the wrong word. They were brought up with the technology, they just use it to its capacity. We on the other hand were not, so we see it as them being lazy. I have seen many of the youth use what is before them and create many things. The same was said when I was young about me. You also have to think about this, we put it in front of them.

  6. Because technology cannot be denied.  Look around you.  The youth of today understand the importance technology.

    It cannot be avoided.  Technology pervades every aspect of our life activity.  Automobile technicians need training in how to address the problems illustrated by the computer systems of an auto.  I don't see is as an obsession, but an acceptance of reality.  Even dairy farms use technology to increase the ease of providing their product for consumer availability.

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