
Why?Please help me!!!!!!

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My mom said today that I couldn't go to school on the first day of the year bnecaus ewe are moving. They don't really need my help, so I asked if my friend could take me. My mom said NOOOO!!!!! I was going to miss it. It is pretty important to me. I talked to her and she yelled at me in front of the entire mall! I cried for a few minutes and then she started again!!! Do you think this is fair? What would you do? How can I feel better about this? Should my mother take parenting classes?




  1. Just tell her she should be happy you wanna go to school at all. If she still says no, just simply go to your friends house without telling her.

  2. talk to her in the privacy of your own home, and let her know that you don't want to miss the first day of classes so you won't be behind from the beginning. Tell her you can have a friend take you and drop you off right after school and then you can finish helping them move anything that is left. Good luck to you.  

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