
Whya re icebergs frozen when the water around them is not?

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I know that salt content can keep ocean water from freezing, but why are there icebergs?




  1. Icebergs are chunks  that fall off land objects like the north pole.  Since the water is so cold the ice bergs dont melt as fast as your ice cubes in your soda.  The water doesnt freeze because its in constant motion.  Youll learn in chemistry that when you excite molecules they produce energy wich makes heat.  The faster you move water the hotter it gets.  And as we know producing heat is opposite of freezing.  In some parts of the north pole where the current is very slow they do freeze btw.  Google submarines breaking through ice.  Theres a couple of movies ive seen do to think...i forget...but i remember seeing some.  

    THats what your microwave does.  Google how a microwave works and youll see that all a microwave does is excite the water molecules to heat up your food or drink.  This is why some of your foods will be cold after heating up for awhile, because the food didnt contain much h20, but typically a lot of food and especially drinks contain h20 ( water ).

  2. Icebergs are break-offs of huge glaciers. Glaciers are made of freshwater, therefore icebergs are freshwater. Freshwater has a much lower freezing point than saltwater. Take a cold day for example. A pond or lake may freeze over on a below freezing day. However, the ocean doesn't show any signs of ice.

  3. icebergs are fresh water.

  4. Icebergs are pieces of glaciers that  have reached the ocean and break off, floating away (called "calving"). Glaciers are formed by snow falling in places that allow the snow to accumulate until it is so thick that it compresses into ice and eventually the bottom warms enough for the pressure to cause the ice to move through the lowest part of the space it has accumulated in, often making that space wider and deeper..

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