
Whyat to do about oversensitivity?

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I’m a very oversensitive guy and it has caused me a lot of problems

in my life. I hate being this way, I wish I could be one of those lucky people who don’t seem to be bothered by any remark or backstab. I take things much too seriously, believe the negative things people come out with. As a result, am very unhappy an unable to get on with others (a part from those close to me). Is there anything besides therapy I can do?




  1. Oh god, tell me about it!! I'm over sensitive too, I choose not to have to many people around me because of this reason. You will find people tohugh who will stick by you but you have to let them get to know you really well.

    Don't see it as a problem, see it as your way of life, and trust me, people who say they don't care if they're back stabbed, probably do!!

  2. Embrace your sensitivity. It is a gift.

  3. Well, all of our traits can be gifts if we use them properly.  

    First you need to learn to controll it some.  I would suggest any type of mind control training - meditation works well for me.  I have a friend who uses martial arts and another who uses yoga.  A combination of the 3 would be terrific if you have that kind of time.  I use meditation cause it's the easiest to do alone and I tend to have an easy time meditating.  There are tons of websites with good info and I will attach a link with my favorite guided CD series.

    Second, once you have established this control (you will establish it slowly and once you feel a little difference start this step) then when you feel the problems rising up in you - the worries and doubts and anger - use these methods to control it.  I personally use a breathing techniqe in my meditation that helps to quickly calm my mind anytime I feel emotional.

    Soon you will see the good side of the gift once you can control it some.

    Good luck

  4. Everyone is bothered by stuff like that (rude remarks, backstabbing).   It's how they react that is the difference.  

  5. Use your experiences to help those who do not even have the courage to ask a question as you have.

  6. Yeah, it's all about the meaning you apply to things, look for different means, for positive meanings and you will start to feel differently.  When you get upset, ask yourself, what else could this mean?  You will always find a number of answers.  Get in the habit of focusing on the empowering meanings not the debilitating one.

    A lot of times things have nothing to do with you and everything to do with the person causing that feeling.

    I have a website that deals with this in much more detail that might be of interest.

    good luck

  7. marijuana! will work, but obviously that's out of the question. Well it makes people paranoid sometimes so maybe it will make you worse... so no.

    maybe some prozac after you feel offended? im kidding too

    I dont know


  8. you have to realise that some people don't matter and what they say doesn't either. Only listen to the people who you care about and who care about you. I know this is hard, but like you, I'm fed up with taking things to heart.

  9. At first, the following article might be perceived as utterly boring, but please read it in its entirety.  If you don't understand it the first time, just keep going over it.  If you are the type of person I think you are, it will make sense to you, perhaps even immediately. Among other interesting things you will find are descriptions of people you have probably known all your life, but I believe you will find the descriptions chillingly different from what you're used to.  (Assuming they could understand the text in the first place, average people would be thoroughly jarred and traumatized by reading some of these descriptions; this would be a good thing if only such people knew how to handle the amazing and helpful experience of emotional trauma.)  I don't usually gamble, but I would bet anything in the world that no one in your life has ever shown you an article like this, not because they were trying to hurt you by keeping you in the dark, but simply because they were intellectually and emotionally incapable of imagining the ideas expressed in it.  By the time you get through the article, your self-awareness level will probably be changed forever.  At that point, if a corporate executive passes you up for a promotion, you will probably feel complimented!  I will not wish you luck; you don't need it.  Luck is for average people, which is to say the majority of people.  You evidently have gifts that transcend mere luck.  You just need to learn how to appreciate and use your gifts.  I hope this article starts you on your way.

  10. It's really only something you can change yourself. I used to be like that myself - I was so hideously shy and afraid of what people might think of me that I barely spoke to people.

    However, this made me very unhappy - I only had a few friends, who were similar to me. I decided that I had to force myself not to care, which wasn't easy and took a long time. Essentially I would force myself to make conversation with people I didn't know, and persevered - even when they weren't interested, someone else might be, and those are the ones that build your confidence. College/Uni/even the workplace are all good places to start (if only cos they won't want to make enemies lol). As your confidence grows, you soon start to realise that people like you for who you are - and when you realise that, comments from people who don't like you seem vastly less important. It takes a long time, took me about four years lol, but I received a humongous compliment the other day when one of my friends who I only really got to know last year was saying how much she admired the way I carry myself - "like you don't care what anyone around you thinks of you". If I can learn not to care, you definitely can!

    Hope that helps :)

  11. what others say about you is unimportant, it is normally done out of jealousy or spite and most people understand this and don't take it seriously apart from you. just focus on being who you want to be and if possible stay away from these negative people. you are obviously suffering from a form of depression because of this so you probably do need to talk to a professional or you could try what i do, and that is smile and confuse them ha ha. good luck mate, you seem like an ok bloke to me.

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