
Why???do all of the 14-15 year olds insist on telling their age...

by  |  earlier

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...when they say their having a baby. no one else posts a question stating that they're 20 [or so] and having a baby, so why do the young parents do it? i just don't get it




  1. Maybe because they know they are different and want the attention because of it. I read that teens are getting pregnant now to show off ther baby bump just because the stars are all having babies !!

  2. maybe they want attention and recongnition for becoming a young parent even though it was their lack of responibility that got them in the situation......

    or they want pity who knows

  3. Because when they are young like that they think its (COOL) to say that but I myself was 15 and pregnant and didn't tell anybody I was very embarrassed.

  4. because when you're 14 or 15, age is an issue.  What were you doing in 1993 or 1994? I remember where I was WORKING.  These girls were just being BORN!  

  5. Good question. I never really thought about that until you brought that up.  

  6. because they are 15

  7. Most of them are lying and want to get people's frustrated reactions.

    It will slow down when school starts.

    It's sad too, because it makes it harder for the ones who really are pregnant and really want help to get a straight answer because everyone thinks they're trolling.

  8. to get a reaction, must are just trolls anyway

  9. So maybe all the grown ups should say, I'm 23 and having a baby!!

    I'll start.. I am 50 and NOT having a baby...

  10. good question i am 17 and pregnant but i dont tell anyone unless my question is about telling my parents or something. If i did people would only judge me saying im a s**t and c**p when they dont even know me. I may be young but I have been with my fiance sense i was 13, and before i was even pregnant i was engaged to him we are getting married in a few months we have money and experence.

  11. I think it's because it's more unusual - and shows the fact they're young and inexperienced and need guidance and help - it's not just to be 'cool' as some people have answered. Getting pregnant at a young age is frightening and they need help, not judgement. If I were pregnant (I'm 16) I would probably reveal my age as most people do not expect it and so it seems more necessary to explain it.

  12. So that you will know that they really are unsure and inexperienced and maybe will tell them things that will make them feel better or less scared.  Have a good evening.

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