
Why?re to the free x box 360 offer ok tell me why i went hrew it and at the end it was "server down"

by  |  earlier

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i seen a ad on the tv and i was o wow cool it must be real ? so mr. idoit "me" wnet online got on and what happned? i set thrw about 16 pages offers? and.... sined up for like 3? i had to or it would not go to the nextd page... and at the end it was like server not found with blank page when you dont have internet.... " i looked to make shre my wasint down" but it wasint so.... if i get... no win i get a bunch of spam mail im sue them -.- ya.... and all the idoits who promoted it on tv then ima go buy 5 x boxes !!!




  1. Is this true,, about a free X-box So I can get this for my husband...please e-mail back thank you. I saw this ad on TV

  2. its a con

  3. yeah, never believe those offers for free stuff, they're all fake.

  4. Its generally hard to get them to work. Border line of scam, and adware. Sorry.

  5. because its a scam.

  6. Hahaha you got screwed.

  7. Sadly, you fell for the classic free Xbox scam. The only reason they do that is to get you to sign up for that c**p. That's the reason you had to register for a couple before it went to the next page. Sorry dude, you're not getting a free Xbox. All you get is 20 wasted minutes online and an inbox full of stupid offers.

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