
Whys there so much dust in my room?

by  |  earlier

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im getting sick of dusting. i spend 10-20 minutes wiping dust off my desk, drawers, and other surface areas in my room.

2 days later, I take a piece of tissue and scrape my desk... a line of grey dust appears again. i dont get it, whys there so much

and i have to wipe my laptop monitor at least once everyday, constantly




  1. Kind of gross to say but every few days a person disposes of the skin cells. It happens continually as protecting systems agains anything bacteria or other organism attaching to us. Kind of an immunity thing. So yea if you spend a lot of time in your room then this going happen, having showers can remove the top layers of your skin but still the dust you see is basically your skin cells. Its normal. I mean you can't reall stop it from happening or be the person in 'GATTACA' lol that be funny. Anyway hope it helps

  2. It seems u live in a dusty area

  3. because dont clean up dont open the window

  4. i would sugest getting an air purifyer

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