
Whyy does he treat me like this?

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i have a friend and i like him and he knows i like him and we always hang out and like when were at him house or anywhere but school

he acts like he likes me but when were at school he acts like im just some girl

and it kills me,

why does he do this?

what should i do?




  1. 'Cos he wants to maintain his status- single and avail! If he finds himself a hot babe, he'll turn to you and say "You've been a good friend and I don't want anything to jeopardise our relationship". So... you are like a back up. You know, you are like his fun ride and all that. But that's it... just a fun ride.

  2. confront him about it.

    maybe he feels embarassed about it, and if thats the case, give him a reason to want to show you off or like brag about you to his friends.

    knock em' all of their feet!

    good luck :)  

  3. it's either going to go one of two ways- he's either a complete idiot who isnt worth bothering about or he's very shy- I think you should talkto him and youl soon know which it is

  4. he's putting on a front at school and it is toying with you're feelings. you can either give him a taste of his own medicine or just not talk to him for a few days.

  5. apparently this isnt so abnormal cause it happened to me and i thought it was really wierd anywhoo it happens to a lot of people and hes just a douche because he probably doesnt know what his friends think about you or he does know what his friends think about you and is too shallow to hang out with you and ignore them.

    ask him whats up with that and then tell him to get it togetherrr, or your not wasting your time.


  6. Cos he's a guy hun, forget about him if he really liked you he wouldnt treat you like that at school.

  7. he's immature. go talk to other guys and then you will notice that he is really jealous !

  8. gee, i wish i could help ! i truly do but most boys do it to me to, they flirt with me and they know i like them and then they just ignore and showoff at school. honestly the best thing i could say is, stick with him but tell him if he wants you than your there for him but if he wants to play his childish games than find someone else because they basically do it because of their friends. their friends might not like us or just the boy might not really know he's doing it.

    well i hope i helped. :/

  9. I've been there, :/ And I know exactly how you feel. What you really need to do is just talk to him and tell him how it hurts you. Trust me, I've had to do the same thing. It can be kind of hard to open yourself up to him like that, but you need to get problems between you two out in the open in order to resolve them. Hope everything works out for you :)

  10. maybe hes affriad that his friends won't like u or that they'll tease him just tell him how u fell and that hes confusing u

    help me;...;...

  11. This means he's into you, but he's also ashamed of you. If that makes any sense. I've known guys that deny some girls because they would never consider anything serious with them, but when they're in private with them then they go along with them and will even make out with them. He's being a DOG. Forget about him for your own good. He's going to hurt you. Just be cool about the situation, but back off with pride.

  12. are you ugly? maybe he's embarrassed

  13. hes embarrassed by u in school  

  14. May be he dnt want any1 in school to speak about ur relationship and want to keep this relationship between u 2. Its not bad but in this case try to make him jealous ; ) u know,and then wait for his reaction.  

  15. most guys( and girls ) don't realize how they act differently around certain people in certain places. its normal.

    you should step up and tell him how you really feel first!

  16. He does he's embarassed of what his friends will think of liking you. Tell him you do like him ! Just make sure he knows (:

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