
WiFi? (10 pts to the first answer)

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What is WiFi? How do you use it on a Nintendo DS Lite? Is it in the games or something? EXPLAIN PLEEEEZE.




  1. er wifi is like a wireless internet connection thing for fones and games and computers.  and as for how to use it, heres a cool site thatgives you all the information on how to use your ds

    and heres the site that tells you how to use wifi ^^

    ^^ hope this helps!

  2. sorta like a game connecter,if you use it you can play other people around the world,and to use,what i do is connect a wifi connecter to the computer.(i found my wifi connecter at ebay.)hope i helped!

  3. i dont think you can use it on a ds lite

  4. WiFi is like the internet on the have to have a special cord and like its where you can play against or with people from all over the world. its sometimes in the games and i think it maybe on the ds

  5. wifi is a wireless connection you use to play games with other ds owners

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