
Wicca and the Army? Is it difficult?

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I'm considering joing the Army. I was curious. I'm Wiccan, and was wondering if anyone has any experiences with this? Is it any harder being Wiccan and in the military? Are the DI's harder on you if you are Wiccan? Can you worship as a solitary? Any advice before I make this life-altering decision? Any help or advice you guys could give would be greatly appreciated!




  1. You can practice any religion you choose while you serve.  The key is to be respectful of other's religions..something I know is a basic tenet of Wicca.  I would urge you to keep your religion private, at least until you get to your first assignment.  During basic, you will have little free time so you will not be able to cast circles and work.  Once you get to your base, you will most likely have your own room and more privacy,  You will also get to know your co-workers better and be able to decide when and whom to talk to about your beliefs.  You will also have the ability to build support off base. You may be surprised though..there are more Wiccans serving than many think.  It can be challenging, but it is no different than the challenges you may have faced when talking about your religion while at school or in other new settings.  Oh..there are several very good books out there for solitary may want to get one before you leave so you will have a reference for when you need to work alone at first.

  2. You can practice any religion, the Air Force has a Wiccan priest at there basic training so I imagine the Army does as well.

  3. Aren't Wiccans the people who go out back and have their little faery colonies. Where they talk to their faery friends and plan tea parties with the gnomes????

    If so.... Don't tell you Drill Seargeant about it. You dont want to be nicknamed Faery Boy.

    Other than that you should be good to go.

    At least you want to serve your nation, most people cant say that.

  4. first your beliefs are your beliefs, no one can stop that. there is actualy a wiccan mass on one saturday a month here on my base. believe it or not, there is tons of diffrent religion church choices to go to on a base. and for that during basic as well. my hubby went to tons of churches during basic, because they fed him and he was starving lol

  5. You can practice your religion as you wish, that is not forbidden with any religion - unless an individual violates laws, like trying to claim smoking weed is part of their practice.

    Watch out for the fundies, some are in the military too.  If you run into them, just let your supervisor know if they begin harrassing you.  That is prohibited under military regulations.

    Good luck

  6. You are free to practice any religion you want. Just no sacrifice killing, lol

  7. I'm not sure what Wicca is but if its not christian  dont say any thing to the Drill Sergeant,he will probably mess with you about that.di's are in the marines by the way.

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