
Wiccaning Questions?

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-Do I have to cast a circle, or can I just put candles (anointed) in a circle.

- Can I call upon my ancestors to help bless the child? Even if my family is heavily Catholic, and probably don't agree with my witchcraft?




  1. Yes cast a circle, it is an important part of the ritual.  it creates a barrier between worlds, to keep the positive  influences (energy) in, and the negative influences (energy) out.  

    Calling upon your ancestors to bless the child is  acceptable, even if the most recent ancestors were Catholic.  Catholocism has a mystic bent, and I have found that most of my Catholic relatives  accept & even embrace my path.  In fact I just recently went to confession & spoke to a priest about my practices & he said I was a seeker on the right path.  The "ancestors" does not end with family blood lines, they also include the dieties that you work with, and the guardian spirits of both you & your child.

    Edited to add: yes I practice witchcraft.

  2. A circle is preferred to prevent evil spirits from entering the sacred space. I say evil spirits because you want to call on your ancestors, and sometimes there are not so nice spirits that either hitch a ride or are attracted to the power raised. A circle will take care of those ancestors who would disapprove as long as you add something about only love and light being able to enter the circle.
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