
Wiccans and Neopagans: what is your concept of the god(s)?

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I read in a book that you can ask 20 pagans this question and recieve 40 different answers. well, i'm asking :D




  1. I see the Divine as pure Spirit or energy and a trinity of sorts:

    The Light of Mind

    The Love that binds the atoms together.

    The Life force that runs through all of nature.

    I see the pagan gods as aspects of this energy.

  2. Mine is: I believe the concept of God exists in my mind, and therefore is 100% real for me. I also believe many gods exist in my mind, and are part of the one true God, and that the names used by all cultures throughout history are valid names for the spiritual experience of 'God.' I believe, ultimately through Henosis, I will be connected with 'God.'  

  3. My answer for that question is very long.  I'd love to talk to you about it if you really want to, but it would have to be in IM or email.  Posting it here would take forever.  IM me if you want to hear my perspective.

  4. My concept of the Gods and Goddesses huh?  Wow.  I believe that everything has a spirit, or is a spirit.  So even though I wholeheartedly believe in the Big Bang and in Evolution, I believe my Gods are behind those natural forces.  I look at the sky, and believe it has a spirit.  I feel the wind, and believe it has a spirit.  And so on.

  5. answer: wow. Pretty much - the gods and goddesses are there. They take notice of us occasionally but most of the time they have their own affairs to deal with.  Each god and goddess is separate person, they aren't aspects of a cosmic divine.  Each god and goddess has their own talents and realms of influence.

  6. I am a hard polytheist.

    I believe in many, distinct and individual gods and goddesses.

  7. Ask and ye shall receive... a lot of different views. So... here's mine.

    I am a pantheist. I believe that what some call the Divine is equivalent to Nature or the Universe. It is an abstraction that is within and a vital part of everything. It is that sense of connectedness that binds us together.

    I see gods as specific energies that are given tangible qualities through metaphor and archetypes. They become less abstract and somehow more relevant. I do not see them as entities, but because we give them more human characteristics, they become meaningful for us.

    And, that's the quick and dirty explanation. I could be totally wrong, but it makes sense to my brain.

  8. In Heathenry we believe we are the decendants of the gods. They are our Elder Kin.

    Beyond that...well varies Heathen to Heathen.

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