
Wiccans or anyone else who uses ouija boards...

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ive tried playing only once and it worked for me...but i always hear(even from my mom) that you can contact bad things. i know they exist..but has anyone had a bad experience with a ouija board? if so please tell me of you dont mind. thanks!




  1. They don't work

  2. You're not getting any sort of spirits. Give me thumbs downs, I don't care. It's called an "Ideomotor" effect, or an uncontrolled movement from your body. Read about it.

  3. Wiccans don't usually use ouija boards...

  4. They don't work.

    And I don't care how many thumbs-downs I get for that. I'm just trying to make people understand the fact that they're just a stupid game made by weird, sick people.

  5. This Wiccan has never used one.  

    The ouija board is not popular among Wiccans and is definitely not a common Wiccan ritual tool.

  6. I have no personal experience with the divinatory device otherwise known as the Ouija board, but two cousins of mine did.  And, as it just so happens, it wasn't a pleasant one.  One night, two girls were up late in there room dabbling with their Ouija board.  They began by asking if there was a spirit in the room.  The plastic piece began to move and slowly spelled yes.  Next, they asked if the spirit was good.  The piece began to move again.  This time it spelled out the word no.  They asked it one final question.  Did the spirit plan on hurting somebody in the room?  The piece moved faster than before and spelled yes one final time.  With that, the door to the closet began to shake violently and the girls started to scream.  Their father burst into the room and asked what was going on.  The girls said nothing, but their Father looked to the closet door.  He walked over to it and tried to force it to stop shaking.  The force of the vibrations shook the man himself.  The Father looked around bewildered and saw the Ouija board laying on the bed.  He grabbed it with a snarl, ran to the front door, opened it and threw the board outside.  Presently the closet door stopped shaking, and the Father told his two daughters never to play with that board again.  

    Of course, my cousins were never very obedient.  So they continued dabbling in divination and what not till this day.  

  7. They work extremely well. I studied the game and it's outcome for quite a while. I came to the understanding that it has no connections to any world but this one. The mechanism that the board works on is some method of mental telepathy between the people in the room- The reason that I believe this is because the board is almost 95 percent right, if someone in the room knows the answer, even if only subconsciously. You can ask the board how much money in change that joe has in his pocket- Joe may not consciously know, but he knows subconsciously knows how much is in his pockets- the board will get it correct to the cent. The game is not evil, and is not spiritual, but rather it can tap into a persons subconscious, and get the correct answer.

  8. Whatever..anyone who thinks that ouija aren't real, or don't have the capabilities for "evil", are in DENIAL, or haven't had any experience with the supernatural.

    I'm terrified of ouija boards. My older sister said she was at a party when she was 14, and they were playing with a ouija board. She said every time someone asked a question, it would respond-the needle thingy would move, and it would give an answer.

    Whenever she tried to ask it something, it wouldn't respond. She kept on asking all different types of questions, and still NOTHING. Finally she decided to give it one last try. The ouija board spelled out the words "F-u-c-k-i-n-g C-h-r-i-s-t-i-a-n." She ran out of the party crying.

    Our family were raised in a fairly religious Pentecostal home, but she was new to the neighborhood, and no one at the party knew she was a Christian. She's also brutally honest, and isn't the type of person to make that **** up, so I believe her when she says it happened. I'm not overly religious today, and neither is she, but you couldn't pay me enough money to touch one of those things...

  9. Sorry, but Wiccans don't use Ouija boards. Not real Wiccans, anyway. Try reading up on Wicca here:

    That being said, Ouija boards are just for sleepovers and Halloween parties. I've never had any "experiences" while using one.

  10. Wiccans don't normally 'play' with ouija boards...

    that said, I happen to believe in spirits and unexplained phenomena....I think that any time you are 'summoning' something that you have no knowledge of then you are bound to get into some type of trouble....I believe that anytime you open a doorway for the spirits, ghosts or what have you .... then you need to be careful because you never know what you may be letting in! We can also manifest our own fears this way (subconsciously)...and blame it on anything...or anyone....

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