
Wiccans will you grade my quiz iam a christain trying to learn?

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What is the Threefold Law and what does it mean to you?

> if you do somethen bad it come back 3 times worse than what you did

> 2) Discuss the history of Wicca-it gos back to english iriish mid evile eira but i think the witch trial is what come to every ones mind


> 3) What is the theory of reincarnation? that three fold apply to this that if you wer good be somthen good if evil you could come back a bug


> 4) How are the Wiccan Deities different from the Judeo-xtain God?

> ther similar i think except for magic

> 5) How is prayer a form of magic?when you pray it what yall refer to wish craft but to me my god heres it and sya yes or no


> 6) Why is meditatin benefical to a Wiccan practice?

> it lets you become more spirtual

> 7) Why are tools nice, but uneccessary part of practice?

> i dont know

> 8) What is the magci circle? What is its function?

> wher the coven hold hands in form of a circle

> 9) What are the basic four steps to ritual?

> the elements

> 10) Why are the Sabbats important to observe?

>i dont know

> 11) What is the myth behind the seasons?daughter got kidnamped by hades and thats all i know


> 12) What is magic? What actions can be considered magical?all kind of magic


> 13) What are the ethics of magic? dont do evile with it no harm cluse


> 14) Why choose a magical name?i dont know


> 15) What is astral projection and how can it be used to benefit a Wiccan you can peoject you spirt other places



> 16) What is a Book of Shadows and why is it important?

> its like a mgical journal

> 17) Why is writing your own ritaul more effective then using a "textbook"

> ritual? it give you more artistic ways to do it


> 18) Why is "living Wicca" important? Name some ways one can do this.

> i dont know

> 19) What is "black" magic?

> evile magic

> 20) Why is it important to earth energy?


> 21) What is a ritual? Is a comnplex one better than a simplistic one?

> Why/why not?


> 22) What is an Initaiation and decication? Why is it important to consider

> each carefully?


> 23) How can the timing of a magical ritual be benefical?


> 24) What is the general archetype of the Wiccan God? What are some of His

> myths and symbols?


> 25) What is the general archetype of the Wiccan Goddess? What are some of

> Her myths and symbols?




  1. You got #1 and 16 kind of in the ballpark but the rest is way off. Keep researching.

  2. Too many questions to answer on this forum! LOL!

    1.  The three fold law is basically "you reap what you sow."

    2.  Wicca as we know it today was "put together" from various older traditions in the mid 1900's by Gerald Gardner.

    3.  Reincarnation beliefs vary - not everyone beliefs we come back as other life forms (animal, insect, etc).  Our next life depends on our actions and lessons learned/not learned in the current life.

    4.  Read they myths and see for yourself.

    5.  Prayer and ritual are forms of convening with Deity.  A spell can be used to seek Divine or universal energy to create changes.

    6.  Meditation is helpful to EVERYONE regardless of religious belief.  Check out the medical benefits such as reduced stress levels.

    7.  Our minds are our most powerful "tools".

    8.  Magic circles create sacred space - think of it like hallowed grounds.

    9. Creating sacred space, calling upon the powers you choose to work with, doing the work or honoring them depending on the purpose of the ritual, thanking them, taking down the sacred space.

    10.  It creates a bond to the myths of the Deities and recognizes the cycles of life.

    11.  Different cultures have slightly different ones.  The one you are referring to is Persephone.

    12.  Magic is the use of energy to create change.

    13.  For Wiccans, the Wiccan Rede states "harm none" other magical practitioners have their own basic code.

    14.  Choosing a magical name is not necessary but many use it for ritual purpose only.  One common reason is to show the changes they have made in their life.

    15.  ....

    16.  It is a record of the work we've done, both the triumphs and failures.  It is not only a "diary" but also a lesson book.

    17.   We write our own spells because we can add our own personal power to them.

    18.  It keeps your thoughts and actions in line with Divinity.  Its the choices we make every day.

    19.  There is no such thing as black magic (or any other color).  Magic is neutral.

    20.  ???? You're question is not clear.

    21. The complexity of a ritual does not make it better or worse.  It is the focus that is important not the number of steps involved.

    22.  Dedication can be done by yourself - dedicating yourself to learning more or dedicating yourself to particular god/goddess.  Initiation is the entry into a particular tradition and must be carried out by members of that tradition.  You don't join a church without checking it out first do you?  

    23.  You could spend your entire life working out various correspondences to do one spell.  The timing is most potent when the emotion behind it is peak.

    24. Check out the Greenman or Kernunnos.

    25.  Maiden, Mother, Crone - you can check out Persephone/Kore and Demeter.  Read The Goddess Path by Patricia Monaghan.

  3. You need to keep researching you have a lot way off in my mind. Why not try reading a book such as Wicca for Beginners: Fundamentals of Philosophy & Practice by Thea Sabin?

    Out of curiosity why are you trying to pass a Wiccan test if you are Christian?

    Feel free to message me if you have questions at

    I agree with Purple Bat.

  4. Seriously guy?  You are a Christian looking to pass some Wiccan test?


  5. This will be a very long answer so if you don't mind can I email it to you?  I can say this your trying very hard hard to understand and that is good.  I would say you got more right than most of the people I met recently that call themselves Wiican.

    I'm saving the long stuff on my computer until you email me.

  6. I'll comment on the 1st 2 questions:

    The threefold law relates to the adage "as above, so below"

    Modern organized Wicca is a different concept to the practices of the Medieval period.

    I should also say that if you wish to comment or pass judgment upon the belief's of others it is worth doing your research properly. You might also learn to communicate your ideas with better spelling and grammar. It is just a sign of courtesy and a measured nature.

    Incidentally, I assume when you call yourself a Christain you actually mean a Christian.

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