
Wich bank in india gives cradit card machin to take mony from customer?

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Wich bank in india gives cradit card machin to take mony from customer?




  1. Credit Card swipe machines (for charging customers) are provided to merchants by the respective banks with whom the merchants have tie-ups or arrangements for the purpose. You should contact the bank(s) you choose to deal with (like HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, Citi Bank, ABN Amro, Standard Chartered, State Bank....etc.) for the purpose and register with it (you may choose more than one bank at a time) as a merchant, sign-up an agreement and they will provide you all the logistics including  the machine. Each bank has its own hire charges/terms for such an arrangement, therefore, you may explore and choose the one which suits you the best.

  2. All Banks issuing Credit Card.

  3. Certainly all banks, which are having their Credit and/ or Debit cards, will permit you to have a hand held swiping machine. The only criteria is, you should be in any trade / business, you should accept their card after verifying the funds available against each card, and other terms and conditions.

    Please contact any bank irrespective of numbers, who have issued the cards. First verify at your bank manager. He will provide you with all details. Good luck.

  4. Contact IcIci  Bank

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