
Wich is the better age for a child start to study?

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Wich is the better age for a child start to study?




  1. I would say when he/she begins to show an interest in writing or drawing. If this doesn't happen I would say about a year before he/she starts preschool or kindergarten.  In the end, it's up to you, or whoever the parent is.

  2. "learning" begins the day the child is born and depends on the degree of intensity the parents wish to pursue. Some parents get very involved and make everything a learning activity. "Study" is when material is reviewed over and over for the purpose of taking a quiz or test, so that probably starts with school age children.

  3. I know someone who taught their child how to do basic sign langauge at around a year old! That's going to be one smart kid.

  4. a child can start learning as young as two years old.

  5. Children under school age should not start formal studying because there is to much that they have to learn first.  We have become a country obsessed with making our children learn.  It can drive children to hate learning after a while.  Unless the child has a learning disability like Autism or down syndrome where early intervention is essential let the child be a child. They only have one child hood!!! People wonder why more and more children are becoming mentally ill and doing things like developing anorexia?? Get with it guys kids will find some way of gaining control over what ever area of their lives that they can good or bad.  You were given children not little adults, their brains don't work that same as ours and they aren't supposed to. IF you want to teach your child do it while playing. When you hand them a ball say what shape and color it is. When you put their clothes on tell them what article of clothing it is and what colors it has in it. Read to them and explain the pictures, When you go for walks count how many cement squares to the sidewalk from the front door.   Show them different flowers and their colors and scents,  Let them help you cook, even if they are really little, guide their hands as they pour things into a bowl and tell them what they are pouring and what it's for.  Take them shopping with you when you have time and show them the different types of vegetables  and produce. Let them pick out something new and they'd be more likely to eat it.  Show them the different cheeses and let them pick one after asking for a taste. Teach them that way and they will be learning and having fun at the same time.  If you start to try and teach them to early in a formal setting you may lose their interest and than how do you get it back when they are mandated to go to school? Children have a minimum of 12 years of mandated school don't make it more or they will burn out and it's hard to regain their interest at that point.

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