
Wich one are more precious? friends or lovers?

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to me personally, friends are far more fun and precious than lovers. when you have a fight with a friend it is more easy to forgive each others mistakes than that with a lover. also hanging out with friends is more fun i think. i always feel like i can have better conversations with them than with someone i am dating. and in the end if you and your friend go seperate ways it doesn"t hurt so much. :) what do you guys think?




  1. friends

  2. I completely disagree. It is definately a question that needs to be answered with experiance though. Personally....I think my husband is my best friend of all time. He does love me unconcitionally (unlike friends) and I can pretty much say anything to him and he will not judge me or get angry. The reason i think friends are less precious is b/c i have gone through more friends than boyfriends. I seemed to have gotn screwed over by more friends. They are selfish and dont care if your fighting. Yes...i do have close friends still...but to be honest...the only person i need in my life is my husband. He is both my lover and friend.

    Like i said...this is a topic that is different for all people. Some girls may have been treated horrrible by a couple guys and have always had her friends to help her out and feel better. Same goes for guys. They do that whole..."bro before hoes" c**p...buuuut guess wut bros? Are you all gona marry each other? If will pick a girl over your friends...and she wil have to be your best friend or your relationshp will not survive!!


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